JAKARTA - Through a team of attorneys, Anita Dewi Kolopaking submitted a pretrial request in handling cases at Bareskrim Polri. But there is a different statement from the lawyers team regarding the pretrial request.

"The pretrial petition submitted was not for detention, but for the determination of the suspect, the proof is that we have registered the petition before the detention," said Andy Putra Kusuma, a member of Anita Kolopaking's lawyer team when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, August 9.

According to him, Anita's suspect was not appointed by law. As for the detention issue, Anita was said to be cooperative. But the lawyers still think there is no reason to arrest Anita.

"It is impossible for Mrs. Anita to escape because she has been blocked from leaving the country and our client has been very cooperative at all levels of the examination," explained Andy.

Apart from that, according to him, it is impossible for Anita to repeat the alleged actions because all documents related to the Djoko Tjandra road trip case have been confiscated by Bareskrim. Therefore, Andy said there was no reason for Anita Kolopaing's detention.

"Very forced and impressed as an act of retaliation by criminalizing Mrs. Anita and merely want to satisfy the wishes of the public and the authorities," he said.

Previously, the spokesperson for the Anita Kolopaking Advocate Team, Tito Hananta Kusuma, said the pretrial request was related to detention.

According to Tito Hananta, Anita Kolopaking refused to sign the minutes for refusing detention. Investigators detained Anita on Saturday, August 8 morning after being questioned for a dozen hours.

"We have registered a pretrial lawsuit to the district court against the detention attempt," said Tito.

Tito Hananta continued detention was not necessary because his client was cooperative. In addition, Anita guaranteed that her client would not run away and did not lose any evidence.

"But why the detention is still being carried out? So we are doing pretrial efforts to test the determination of the suspect and the detention of Mrs. Anita Dewi Kolopaking," continued Tito Hananta.

Bareskrim Polri announced the appointment of fugitive Djoko Tjandra's Judicial Review (PK) lawyer, Anita Kolopaking, as a suspect on Thursday, July 30. Anita is suspected of being involved in the making of travel documents and COVID-19 free letters used by her clients.

Determination of the status of a suspect based on the results of the case title from a number of evidence and witnesses being examined. Anita Kolopaking is suspected of having committed crimes under Article 263 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code and 223 of the Criminal Code.

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