JAKARTA - After undergoing a series of examinations, the Chairperson of the Indonesian People's Da'wah Party (PDRI) Ustaz Farid Okbah, administrators of the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Ahmad Zain An Najah, and Anung Al-Hamad were named suspects in the alleged terrorism crime of Densus 88 Anti-Terror Police.

"Three people have been named as suspects," briefly the Head of Bansus Detachment 88/Anti-terror Police Grand Commissioner Aswin Siregar quoting CNNIndonesia, Tuesday, November 16.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Information Section (Kabagpenum) of the National Police Grand Commissioner Ahmad Ramadhan explained the process of arresting the three suspects in Bekasi, West Java.

"The time of AZ's arrest was Tuesday, November 16 at 04.39 western Indonesia time. The location is Pondok Melati Housing," said Ramadhan.

"The two initials, AA, were arrested on Tuesday, November 16, at approximately 05.00 western Indonesia time on Legok Road, Jati Melati, Bekasi City. Then, FAO. The same was arrested in Jati Melati Village, Pondok Melati District," he added.

From the results of the Detachment's investigation, Farid Okbah and two other suspects were arrested for allegedly being involved with the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist network. Farid is said to have a number of backgrounds in the JI terrorist network. Densus also said that Farid was part of the senior team or the Shura Council in the terrorist organization.

In addition, said Ramadhan, Farid Okbah is also a member of the sharia board of the Abdurrahman Bin Auf Mall Amil Zakat Agency (LAZ BM ABA) or a charity foundation established for JI funding.

Ramadhan explained that Farid Okbah was involved in a meeting related to the cadre of Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) in Bekasi.

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