ACEH - Ulama in Aceh have formulated a number of recommendations as a result of a grand gathering of hundreds of scholars from all districts/cities in Aceh. One of them fully supports the sustainability of Aceh's peace.

"Ulama strongly supports the sustainability of Aceh's peace that has been achieved through the Helsinki MoU as capital for Aceh's development and prosperity," said one of the drafting teams of Tgk Muhammad Yusuf A Wahab alias Tu Sop Jeunieb's father, in Banda Aceh, Antara, Thursday, November 11.

Previously, around 400 ulemas throughout Aceh held a grand gathering with the agenda of discussing the role of Acehnese clerics in improving Aceh's politics, resulting in a number of recommendations.

Tu Sop said, in Islam, politics is something that is recommended because it is related to public life, aiming to create a better life for people according to religious standards and standards.

According to Tu Sop, it is necessary to determine the direction of general policies and budgets, education, and public life, so that enjoining ma'ruf and nahi munkar must be carried out in political life in Aceh.

Then, the executive, legislative, and judicial powers in Aceh according to Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning the Government of Aceh (UUPA) are considered very influential, so it is important that the institution is filled with leaders who have religious education, have integrity and are committed to governance according to Islamic law.

"Ulama need to carry out political education in accordance with religious principles by using existing da'wah media in the dayah, taklim assemblies, and building political madrasas to teach siyasa syar'iyah," he said.

Tu Sop said that the ulama were also considered to need to be actively involved in uniting the entire community so that they could guide the people that religion must be functioned in all areas of life, including politics.

Then, ulama need to maintain and oversee so that all executive, legislative and judicial performances in Aceh are maintained within the framework of Islamic law.

"Ulama are very aware that building Aceh cannot be done by one group, but must be done by all groups and components at both the local and national levels," he said.

In addition, Tu Sop conveyed, Ulama throughout Aceh highly appreciate the existence of existing political parties, as well as views that want to form a political party as long as it aims at commanding right and forbidding wrong.

"Efforts to make amendments or revisions to the LoGA that are currently rolling are expected not to degrade the special and special authority of Aceh," said Tu Sop.

Not only that, Tu Sop said that the ulama also had offers to political parties in Aceh related to improving the government, namely encouraging changes to the AD/ART of political parties in Aceh so that they clearly gave a commitment to the implementation of amar ma'ruf and nahi munkar (commanding right, forbidding wrong).

Furthermore, the ulema appealed to political parties to ask for the opinion and consideration of the Aceh MPU in making party attitudes or policies on public issues, including the nomination of regional heads and legislatures.

Parties need to study the joint formation of cross-political parties a Siyasah Sharia Council (DSS) or another name to be a reference for all parties who wish to run according to Islamic law.

"Encouraging all political parties to make integrity pacts in order to enforce the commandments for ma'ruf and forbidding evil in politics and government," said Tu Sop.

Tu Sop added that Acehnese clerics also encouraged the issuance of regulations governing the implementation of political life in accordance with Islamic values so that all political parties in Aceh were bound and involved in the implementation of Islamic law.

Then, he said again, the ulama who were already involved in political parties were expected to encourage and offer the party a commitment to carry out the commandments of ma'ruf and nahi munkar.

"For scholars who are not directly affiliated with political parties, they are expected to look for various alternatives so that they can provide color and influence on improving political life in accordance with their respective positions and capacities," said Ayah Tu Sop.

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