BANTEN - Don't want to fall into the same hole for violating standard operating procedures (SOPs) by Brigadier NP slamming students during a demonstration at the Tangerang Regent's office. This time the Banten Regional Police Bidpropam directly supervised personnel who carried out security at a demonstration by the Trade Union Alliance in front of the Banten Provincial Government Headquarters (KP3B) on Wednesday, November 10, yesterday.

The Banten Police Bidpropam monitors the security of the demonstration at the KP3B/ Doc office. Banten Police

The Head of the Banten Regional Police's Provos Bidpropam Subbid. Commissioner of Police Muhammad Andra Wardhana said that the Banten Police's Propam personnel directly supervised the personnel who were securing every demonstration.

"Banten Police Propam personnel directly supervise the personnel who carry out security demonstrations, this supervision is to prevent violations of SOPs in security," Andra said in a statement received by VOI, Thursday, November 11.

Andra said all personnel who will carry out security duties have been given instructions to carry out their duties in accordance with existing SOPs, and so that in the implementation of security for Unras always prioritizes a humanist, firm, and measurable approach in accordance with the main tasks and functions.

The Banten Police Bidpropam monitors the security of the demonstration at the KP3B/ Doc office. Banten Police

"Before securing the demonstration, all personnel have received directions from the leadership on how to act in the field, among others, namely carrying out humane security and not taking actions that are not in accordance with SOPs," explained Andra.

In the end, the workers' demonstration proceeded in a safe and conducive manner. The crowd began to move home without any fuss.

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