JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) provided Ready-to-Use Funds (DSP) of Rp1.5 billion to deal with floods that hit the four districts in West Kalimantan that were the worst affected.

"The other aids are Sintang Regency, Rp500 million, Melawi Regency Rp500 million, Sanggau Regency Rp250 million and Sekadau Regency Rp250 million," said BNPB Head Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito in a statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 9.

Ganip ensures that flood management is going well, as well as to hear and get input from flood victims and related regional officials.

For the worst affected areas, the government through BNPB also provided Logistics and Equipment (Logpal) assistance to refugee victims and local BPBD officers as well as officers in the field in the form of ready-to-eat food packages, tents, blankets, mattresses, boats, and masks.

The two worst-hit districts, namely Sintang, received assistance in the form of 300 blankets, 504 packages of ready-to-eat food, 501 packages of side dishes, 5,000 KF 94 masks, 300 mattresses, 2 sets of refugee tents, and 2 polyethylene boats.

Meanwhile, the displaced victims in Melawi received assistance in the form of 200 blankets, 504 packages of ready-to-eat food, 501 packages of side dishes, 5,000 KF 94 masks, and 300 mattresses.

After reviewing the location of the flood, Ganip explained the natural phenomenon of La Nina which has an impact on increasing rainfall which is the cause of the flood. According to the prediction of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), La Nina is predicted to occur until January-February 2022.

Rain with high intensity which makes the water flow of the Kapuas and Melawi rivers overflow, triggering flooding. Therefore, the handling must be handled with appropriate and correct mitigation.

The short-term solution, according to Ganip, is to save the affected community and fulfill the community's needs.

Rescue of affected communities and meeting the needs of especially vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, the elderly, and children is a priority.

BNPB has coordinated with the regional government and the forkopimda ranks to work together to help with disaster management. The local government, said Ganip, has made an emergency response status.

"I directed the regent and forkopimda to think about handling refugees for a long time, according to conditions, the possibility of rainfall in the future will increase," said Ganip.

So far, BNPB has made studies related to long-term flood management strategies related to wet hydrometeorological disasters such as floods. The emphasis is on making mitigations related to climate and weather problems.

"We have actually made preparations, because the impact of La Nina happened again and again, because last year was like that," said Ganip.

On the same day, BNPB also handed over aid in a number of different areas, including in Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi Province.

In that area, the government through BNPB also handed over 200 pieces of blankets, 201 packages of side dishes, 204 packages of ready-to-eat food, 200 mattresses, 2,000 KF94 masks, 2 sets of refugee tents, 2 polyethylene boats, and 5 units. Handy Talky to support communication and coordination between BPBD officers and field officers.

Also in Batu City, East Java, BNPB handed over assistance in the form of 200 blankets, 201 packages of side dishes, 204 packages of ready-to-eat food, 200 sheets of mattresses, 2,000 pieces of KF94 masks, and 2 sets of refugee tents.

To support the synergy, BNPB also provided assistance to the Indonesian Air Force in Silaspapare, Papua in the form of 2 sets of refugee tents.

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