JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has transferred files belonging to an accused briber to the inactive Probolinggo Regent, Puput Tantriana Sari, and her husband, Hasan Aminuddin, to the Surabaya Corruption Court (Tipikor) today or Monday, November 8.
"The prosecutor's team has transferred a case file along with an indictment with the defendant Sumarto to the Surabaya Corruption Court", KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs, Ali Fikri, told reporters.
After being delegated, now the detention of Sumarto, who is a state civil servant (ASN) in the Probolinggo Regency Government, East Java, is under the authority of the Corruption Court.
"Furthermore, the Public Prosecutor team is waiting for the appointment of the panel of judges and the determination of the day of the trial with the agenda of reading the indictment", said Ali.
In this case, Sumarto was charged with Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Corruption Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code and Article 13 of the Tipkor Law Jo Article 55 paragraph (1) to I of the Criminal Code. will soon be transferred to the Surabaya Corruption Court.
Not only transferring files, the KPK prosecutor also transferred the detention of the defendants in the alleged bribery of buying and selling this position. The process is carried out using a bus which departs at 21.00 WIB from Jakarta and arrives at around 07.00 WIB.
"During the travel process, there was a strict escort by the KPK detainee guards along with the police", said Ali.
After being transferred, the defendants will be deposited in two different detention centers, namely the Surabaya High Prosecutors' Detention Center and the Medaeng Detention Center.
The defendants who were placed in the Surabaya High Prosecutor's Detention Center were Sumarto, Maliha, Sugito, Ali Wafa, Mawardi, Mashudi, Ko'im, Abdul Wafi, Masruhen, M Bambang, Ahmad Saifulloh, Nurul Hadi, Jaelani, and Uhar.
Meanwhile, those who were kept at the Medaeng Surabaya Detention Center were Samsudin, Hasan, Nurul Huda, and Sahir.
Previously reported, the KPK has named 22 people as suspects in the bribery case of buying and selling positions at the Probolinggo Regency Government, East Java. They consist of 4 bribe recipients and 18 bribe givers.
The bribes given by ASN in the Probolinggo Regency Government are carried out so that they can serve as village head officials. Each person is required to pay IDR 20 million and the village land tribute of IDR 5 million per hectare.
The four recipients were Probolinggo Regent Puput Tantriana Sari, House of Representatives member Hasan Aminuddin, Krejengan sub-district head Doddy Kurniawan, and Paiton sub-district head Muhamad Ridwan.
While the 18 donors were Sumarto, Ali Wafa, Mawardi, Mashudi, Maliha, Mohammad Bambang, Masruhen, Abdul Wafi, Kho'im, Akhmad Saifullah, Jaelani, Uhar, Nurul Hadi, Nuruh Huda, Hasan, Sahir, Sugito, and Syamsuddin.
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