JAKARTA - Feby Putri, who has just released her second studio album with the title "Hitam Putih", is working with Eunike Tanzil who is the producer for a song called Guratutan Tangan.

The song is proof of Feby's first collaboration with Eunike which is separated, Feby in Jakarta and Eunike in Los Angeles.

Feby admits that he knows Eunike's musical skills from TikTok content, where Eunike will approach someone, ask him to sing the melody suddenly, and then make it a musical composition.

"I saw Eunike Tanzil from her content, who met people on the street, and was like 'can you hum a melody?'," said Feby Putri when met in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta some time ago.

"Then after that, I want him to be a producer on one of my songs, I think the song 'Emergency Hands' is suitable," he continued.

Even though the process of composing the song was so far apart, Feby said he was satisfied with the results that Eunike was doing.

"It's really nice (the process of composing the song), even though it's far away, he's in LA, we only send files. We only met once during the process of working on the song. At that time he was returning from Christmas to Indonesia. He used to be in Jakarta for a few days, then went to Medan," said Feby.

"So he used to be in Jakarta for me for a few days. So for me, the workshop was only once, and after that he never met again, that's all. In the last 2023, I think. After that, just throw files," he added.

Feby saw that the 'hand emergency' was only the beginning of his introduction to Eunike. He is willing to return to work with the musician who graduated from Berklee College of Music.

"I really want (to work together again). If there is another opportunity. I hope he is not busy," concluded Feby Putri.

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