Azizi Asadel, who is familiarly called Zee, officially graduated from JKT48 after appearing in his last show entitled 'The Anti-Love Rules JKT48' which was held in Jakarta on Sunday, August 25.

In the show, Zee read a letter that had been written earlier. In front of fans, the 20-year-old virgin tried to be honest about her impression of JKT48.

"The beginning of my trip at JKT48, at that time I was 14 years old, didn't know and didn't have a view of JKT48. What I know is that JKT48 is a group of girls who sing and pretend to be cute," said Zee, citing the TikTok video @48story_.

However, all my worries have changed. I became that loved person with this group. Then after being accepted as a member of JKt48, I had a lot of adaptations to go through, so hard training, lots of activities until night, until morning. Until finally I felt the performance for the first time, "continued Zee.

The son of actor Fadli Ahmad also told how his trip to JKT48 was not easy at all. He has to try hard to get to know fans.

Although currently known as salh, one of the most successful members in the entertainment world in the country, Zee told how to get through various things so that his name was known.

"Maybe now people know Zee JKT48 is good, it's always in front, at JKT it's never behind," said Zee.

"Yes, maybe it's now, but there's a time when I'm also given the opportunity to study and be in the back position. I also passed and learned a few positions, until I was finally promoted to Team J and at that time my body slowly rose."

Zee also expressed her gratitude to many people who have supported her so far.

"I don't think I will be able to be independent without the support of many people. Thank you ZeeMotion, of course other JKT48 fans, my family who are always supportive, my close friends, JKT48 members, and also JKT48 staff who always want to help," he said.

He expressed his readiness to start a new journey outside his status as a member of JKT48.

"Yes, today has arrived, I will close the sheet of the book here, and I will start writing my journey in this world," he said.

"Thank you for being a very memorable chapter and I will never forget it. With this, I am Zee from JKT48 The seventh Generation of a goodbye permit and see you with Azizi Shafaa Asadel. Please always support me. Thank you everyone," said Zee.

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