JAKARTA The Jakarta Phase 1B Light Rail Transit (LRT) construction project, which connects Velodrome Station to Manggarai Station, has reached 39.83 percent progress as of December 10, 2024. This work was carried out by PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda) in collaboration with PT Waskita-Nindya Karya-LRS KSO.
"Development continues to record positive developments," said Acting (Plt) Project Director of LRT Jakarta Phase 1B, Prasetyo Rianda Mulyo, in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 18.
Prasetyo explained that significant developments have been achieved in various zones. For zone 1 (Verodrome Station to Rawamangun Station): Settlement of 1.29 kilometers of rail work, installation of 3rd rails, architectural work such as floor, wall, and fasad, as well as linkway construction at Rawamangun Station.
Zone 2 (Tambak Street to Manggarai Road): 10 spans of funding blocks (span) in the Tambak Street area. Work acceleration also continues to be carried out on Jalan Pramuka Raya, Matraman, to the Manggarai area.
"We continue to accelerate, especially in Zone 2, so that this project runs on schedule," said Prasetyo.
The Jakarta Phase 1B LRT project covers a 6.4 kilometer track with five stations, namely Velodrome, Rawamangun, Pramuka BPKP, Pramuka Market, Matraman, and Manggarai. The project is targeted for completion in 2026.
Prasetyo hopes that the Jakarta Phase 1B LRT will not only be able to reduce congestion in the capital, but also become a comfortable and efficient mode of modern transportation. In addition, intermodal integration at Manggarai Station as a central station is expected to further increase transportation connectivity in Jakarta.
PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) is optimizing the Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology to monitor project developments. This technology allows early detection of mismatch in quality and design, as well as serves as a data bank for the entire project.
"BIM technology helps ensure the quality of the project is maintained and provides a quick solution to potential problems," explained Prasetyo.
Public enthusiasm for the Jakarta Phase 1B LRT project continues to increase. Many residents hope that this mode of transportation can be an efficient alternative in daily mobility.
Lukman, a resident of Jakarta, expressed his hopes for this project. "I often use private vehicles to work, and a lot of time is wasted on the road. With the Jakarta Phase 1B LRT, hopefully, the travel time to the office can be shorter," he said.
The DKI Jakarta Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the number of users of public transportation in Jakarta in January 2024 reached 34,175,182 passengers. This figure increased 23.76 percent compared to January 2023, showing a positive trend in people's transition to public transportation.
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