JAKARTA - Newcomer child singer Khanzania debuted by launching four new singles in the last two months.
One of the songs entitled 'This is the State' is his presentation to welcome the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia which will fall on August 17.
This is my country which was written and arranged by Jimmy Yulianto about Indonesia as a country full of beauty.
"With so many tourist attractions and various cultures, we always make every time we mention Indonesia proud. This is a gift for the 79th Indonesian Independence Day," Khanzania said in his statement, Monday, August 5.
Apart from 'These are My Country', other songs that Khanzania has released have the theme of friendship, social, love for parents, and everyday life. The song comes with the title The Most Beautiful Painting, Thank you, and Always Sing Together.
The songs were presented by Khanzania under the auspices of Beat Music Indonesia (BMI) Record to color children's music in Indonesia.
I really like singing from the age of 3 years, often appearing in various events and competitions between schools. At the age of 7, I started to be guided for vocal lessons. There are two vocal teachers, Kaembun Tabina and Kaka Jimmy," said the singer who is familiarly called Khanza.
As a child, Khanza sees many of his old friends enjoying music more for adults. He believes that children's songs can be accepted by children.
Debuting as a child singer with four new singles, Khanza is grateful to be able to live something he likes, namely singing. He hopes that his presence will not only be good for himself and his close people, but also for the Indonesian children's music industry.
"I want Indonesian children's songs to bounce back," he said.
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