JAKARTA - Starting a sacred month to welcome independence, the SYMPHONESIA concert with the title 'Proud Indonesia' was held at Ciputra Artpreneur, South Jakarta on Thursday, August 1 night.

A fairly unique repertoire was presented, in which Erwin Gutawa, who led the orchestra, presented tribute to badminton legend Rudi Hartono.

Erwin explained how amazed Rudi Hartono was. He said the legend managed to make many people, including himself, proud to be Indonesians.

"Unknowingly, every victory of Rudi Hartono has united us all Indonesians with pride," said Erwin Gutawa.

To revive the euphoria of Rudi Hartono's victory, and as an expression of gratitude for making Indonesia proud and making us proud. The following is a special number, a presentation in the form of footage videos that we seek and collect from very few existing archives, to describe the struggle of a nation's children in achieving great achievements," he continued.

Then, the footage of Rudi Hartono was displayed on the big screen, where Erwin Gutawa led the orchestra by playing a musical scoring entitled A Match Against Defeat Wins'.

Meanwhile, the SYMPHONESIA concert this time was held to inspire feelings and invite the audience to be more proud as Indonesians.

Supported by the accompaniment of 50 orchestral musicians led by Erwin Gutawa, this performance will bring various repertoires from mandatory songs, traditional songs, moderate pop songs that breathe nationalism, as well as special tributes to the figures of heroes and the updaters of the nation's name.

The musicians presented at this concert were Voice of Baceprot, Putri Ariani, Once Mekel, Endah Laras, Eka Deli, and Gabriel Harvianto.

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