JAKARTA - Rapper, a songwriter and producer from Bali named Anakin Angata Utama or or Kid Ani presents his latest musical creation titled TYC. He, who has started his career as a DJ at the age of 13 and began learning music production with Ableton Live 9 at the age of 15, gave something refreshing in his release this time.
Kid Ani revealed that this track is actually a project that started in 2022 as a school assignment.
"At that time I was learning how to mix and master music. It took me until now to finish because I can't wait about the release of this single," said Kid Ani in a written broadcast.
TYC itself is taken from the term The Yellow Card on the Sun's tarot card which is usually considered the best card in the tarot and symbolizes good and positive things from the current struggle. This song was worked on by Kid Ani as a reflection of her happiness, satisfaction, vitality, confidence, and success in the music scene.
This work feels personal because it reveals the story it is experiencing in the current phase of life.
"For this song, I do all the processes myself, from writing songs to producing, completing mixing and mastering processes," he said.
That's why Kid Ani feels 'TYC' is different from the work she created. She felt, in this song she wanted to create something suitable for various situations. And because this is the result of her learning to produce a song that she did for a long time, she really wanted to experiment with various genres. "The point is, this song is a mix of Jersey Beats and music house," said Kid Ani.
Through this song, Kid Ani hopes that the listeners can have the mental energy they continue to take advantage of so that they can achieve the goals they want to achieve. Kid Ani also believes that everything happens for certain reasons and that all human life is always in line with the path of fate.
Setelah 'TYC', Kid Ani telah menyiapkan rencana yang dia ingin lakukan dalam beberapa waktu ke depan. Meskipun belum bisa memberitahui secara detail, namun dia memastikan bahwa sesuatu yang dia telah mempersiapkan tersebut, adalah sesuatu yang besar. Kita tunggu saja.
TYC, Kid Ani's newest single, can already be listened to on all digital streaming platforms in Indonesia.
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