JAKARTA - Project Pop launched a new album titled 2856 by re-arguing 11 of their old songs. Some names also became collaborators on this album, such as Nagita Slavina, Inul Daratista, Eka Gustiwana, UN1TY, HIVI, Saykoji, and Keroncong Tujuh Putri.

The emergence of the name Nagita Slavina became a question, because Raffi Ahmad's wife was not active in music compared to other collaborators. However, Project Pop had his own reasons when inviting Nagita to collaborate.

Meanwhile, Nagita Slavina and UN1TY became collaborators on a song called 'Ade' which was rearranged. This song comes from the Pop OK album which was released in 2003.

For Tika Panggabean, the reason for the election of Nagita Slavina as a collaborator was quite simple. He considered Gigi (Nagita's nickname) to have good singing skills.

"This Nagita can sing well and correctly. And the sound is good," said Tika Panggabean in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Friday, June 28.

In addition, it is undeniable that Nagita's popularity is also one of the factors. Tika said Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina were husband and wife couples who were very popular in Indonesian society.

"We can choose Raisa, Yura or Tiara Andini, (but) why did we choose Nagita, because she is a quite popular celebrity," said Tika Panggabean.

"And most importantly, the sound is good. Sometimes that's what people forget or even people don't know, if Gigi can sing," he said.

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