JAKARTA - Newcomer singer Atya Faudina released her debut single entitled 'Delete Dia'. This song was written and produced by Seto Bramana, with Barsena Besthandi as a vocal director.

The name Atya Faudina has actually appeared in the national music industry. He was once a participant in the Little Idol event in 2008 and Indonesian Idol in 2022.

"I've loved music since I was little because my father really liked playing guitar and singing. So, that's why I've been exposed to the world of singing since I was little," said Atya Faudina in a written statement, Sunday, February 18.

Erase Dia tells the story of someone who has given up on his relationship and hopes that God can soon escape and at the same time erase the stories he has lived from his life.

Atya, who has experienced this bitter experience for herself, tries to show her sad feelings in this song.

"Several times I was involved in a relationship that always ended up feeling defeated because I felt love was no longer fun, so I finally felt that the relationship could no longer be maintained," he said.

In addition to trying to express his deepest feelings, Atya believes that out there there are so many people who are feeling things that are trying to be described in this song.

For these people, Atya hopes that the song can represent their feelings, so that they can feel a little relief because their feelings have been represented through the song Delete Dia.

"In addition, I also hope that this song can be well received for Indonesian music lovers, as well as useful for me or the people around me," he concluded.

For information, Atya Faudina's debut song entitled Abolish Dia can already be enjoyed on various digital music platforms.

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