Hearing a power ballad song like (Everything I Do) I Do It For You from Bryan Adams in shopping centers or cafes in Indonesia is commonplace. The song, which became the soundtrack for Robin Hood in 1991, is often shown by cafe musicians.

However, things are different if (Everything I Do) I Do It For You is heard while in traditional markets, especially if the song is sung live.

This oddity was revealed by Hardi Malau through his Instagram account, which later went viral after being re-uploaded by several other social media accounts.

In the video, a man in traditional markets sings the songs written by Bryan Adams, Michael Kamen, and Robert John Mutt Lange.

"#whether my world is fine," wrote Hardi Malau in his uploaded statement, seen Tuesday, February 6.

The video, which was re-uploaded by the Indomusicgram account, also attracted a lot of attention from netizens. Through the comments column, they joked because the song was performed in traditional markets.

"Don't sing in the market, no one knows the song. In cafes like that," wrote the account @buc ***.

"The music area of the market people is classy," commented the @chr*** account.

However, praise also came a lot from netizens for the man's singing ability.

After further investigation, the man was not just a trader in the market. A few years ago, the man named Leo Sidabutar was active in music and had time to take out several works.

Through the comments column, Leo Sidabutar thanked netizens for appreciating.

"Thank you, mimin and thank you to all my friends," wrote Leo Sidabutar.

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