JAKARTA - The prosecutor who handled the Sean Combs sex trafficking case alias P Diddy, opposed the guarantee proposal submitted by the Bad Boy Records boss through documents at Manhattan federal court on Friday, November 15 evening.
Through his claim, the prosecutor said that Diddy had started breaking the rules since he was detained at the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center after his arrest last September.
In filing to the judge, the prosecutor said that Diddy's behavior in prison showed that he had to remain locked up.
They said Combs had asked family members for help in planning and implementing social media campaigns around his birthday with the aim of influencing public opinion and prospective judges in the criminal process.
"Ia mendorong anak-anaknya untuk mengunggah video ke akun media sosial mereka yang menunjukkan mereka berkumpul untuk merayakan ulang tahunnya," kata jaksa dalam klaim tertulis, mengutip Billboard, Senin, 18 November.
After that, he monitored the analytics, including the involvement of the audience, from prison and explicitly discussed with his family how to ensure that the video had the effect he wanted on the prospective jury in this case.
The prosecutor also accused Diddy during a phone call from inside the prison, of explaining his intention to anonymously publish information that he said would help his defense of the allegations.
"The defendant's efforts to hinder the integrity of this process also include non-stop efforts to contact potential witnesses, including victims of abuse who can testify strongly against him," the prosecutor wrote.
For information, Diddy through his lawyer pleaded not guilty to years of coercive and harassing women with the help of a network of colleagues and employees, while silencing victims through extortion and violence, including kidnapping, arson, and physical beatings.
His lawyers have also made a third request for collateral following the previous two attempts, including a $50 million guarantee proposal.
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