JAKARTA - Doadibadai Hollo alias Hurricane ex Kerispatih expressed his opinion on Digital Direct License (DDL), a platform planned by the All-Indonesian Composter Association (AKSI) to help collect live event royalties.

Badai assessed that what ACTION was doing was right, and he believes that the songwriters who are members will change their way of thinking and become a solution to royalty problems.

AKSI ini akan semakin besar, lihat saja nanti. Dia akan menjadi energi baru di dalam mengubah cara pikir, mengubah cara kerja, dan menciptakan solusi baru, kata Badai kepada awak media di Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, Kamis, 25 Januari.

"That's what matters. So, songwriters will find the best solution, because they can get the money directly from this direct license," he continued.

Hurricane said the system implemented by members of the ACTION was nothing new. A similar system has been implemented in the United States.

Very confident in what is being fought for with ACTION, Badai said that the blank system implemented in Indonesia by the National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) and the Collective Management Institute (LMKN) could be used, as long as the distribution system is correct.

"So, the system is okay, but the work must be right, the distribution must be in accordance with the exploitation of the song, not a number of boxes divided equally. That's not fair," said Badai.

In my opinion, this is a new energy.

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