JAKARTA - Popularity is not everything. What happened to Fiersa Besari recently showed that a well-known singer could not be asked to help someone she did not know.

In the video uploaded to the KUY Entertainment Instagram account, Fiersa Besari seems to be asked for help from a woman to take a photo of her. However, the woman did not want to take a selfie with Fiersa, but rather with the two people she was with.

Just got off the plane, Fiersa Besari and her friends seemed to want to climb. However, he didn't mind when asked for help. He also held the woman's cellphone and photographed it.

"If the photo is uploaded, don't forget to add credit Taken by @fiersabesari, ma'am (Laughter emoji)," wrote KUY Entertainment in the caption of the upload, seen Tuesday, December 12.

The woman who was identified as Wahyu Sartika appeared to be conscious after seeing the upload. He apologized through the comments column.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I don't know his name. It's okay, bro (tiring emoji). I don't know either. Sorry again, bro. Look like an acquaintance first," Wahyu Sartika wrote.

Fiersa replied to this apology casually. 'It's okay, Mas/Mbak. We have to know everything in this world.'

Many netizens also commented on the upload. They think Fiersa Besari is not well known among mothers.

"It's okay bro, it's not the target market, it means," wrote @tub ***.

"It turns out that my brother is not that well known to mothers," wrote @ded ***.

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