JAKARTA - Harry Waters revealed Roger Waters fired him from the tour band. Now he plans to play his father's music in Pink Floyd's tribute band.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Harry claimed that in late 2016 Roger, a former bassist of Pink Floyd, kicked him out of the keyboard position of his father's tour band.

"I was fired, it was very sad," said Harry.

"I think he just wanted a change of blood, something new, something fresh. I'm not sure for real reasons, but everyone but two people were fired. But the others who were fired weren't his sons, so it really hurt me.."

Harry has been part of his father's band for 14 years, but was released ahead of the Us + Them tour.

However, Harry continues to play the material he knows very well, recently finishing a tour with Fearless Flying Frog Brigade Les Claypool, covering Pink Floyd's full album Animals.

And now, Harry has accepted an offer to play three shows with Pink Floyd's tribute band Brit Floyd, along with former Durga McBroom band background singer and former Scott Page saxophon.

"I've never met any of them, but I'll just appear and play," he said. I've been playing this music for about 30 years. I think we'll be fine without training. I think we all know the material pretty well.

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