JAKARTA - DRIVE released their latest single entitled Description of Yourself. This song is their new work with Axl Ramanda as a vocalist.

Previously, DRIVE had re-released the latest version of his song Dia and released you this year.

Under the auspices of Gajah Mada Record, the song, composed by Dygo Pratama (bass), raises the theme of feelings of praise and admiration for the couple.

"In the lyrics I give many parables that mean how important and valuable the partner is to him," Dygo Pratama said in his statement, Thursday, November 2.

This song was first worked on in 2018. At that time, Dygo had just married. The figure of the wife became his inspiration in creating a Description of Yourself.

"Usually men like to look at their women, whatever activity they are doing. Like I like to see my wife sleeping or when she's ready for food for me. At these moments, lyrics appear in my head when I look at her every day," he said.

Dygo admitted that the process of composing songs was not easy. The main problem lies in making lyrics that are designed little by little.

"Usually I make songs, lyrics and notations directly become the same, but for this song the lyrics are nycil-nincil. Pick up this lyric first, then only a few days later I will get this lyric, then the lyrics will be unified," said Dygo.

Your description was chosen as a title after going through some considerations. This song was originally titled It's You.

Meanwhile, Bhusdeq (guitar) who also acts as music producer said, this song will be one of the materials that will be brought in a new album planned for release.

"I as a Music Producer chose two songs composed by Dygo which are included in the seventh album of DRIVE which we will release later, and this is one of them," said Bhusdeq.

DRIVE said the release of the Description of Yourself was only the beginning of a long journey. There will be other songs to be presented in the future.

We are making this song as an opening song for new songs that will be enjoyed by all people, including DRIVE fans who like old DRIVE mid-temols such as Say, Second, or Most Beautiful Women. In the future, we will release more ballad and up-to-temol songs. It will be an interesting composition if you hear it later on, "concluded Bhusdeq.

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