Chairman of the PDIP DPP Said Abdullah, responded to the search of the residence of the PDI-P Secretary General, Hasto Kristiyanto, at Villa Taman Kartini Housing, G3/18, Margahayu Village, East Bekasi District, West Java, last Tuesday.

Said said PDIP respects the steps taken by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to visit Hasto's residence to complete evidence related to the case being handled.

"If the Corruption Eradication Commission conducts a raid, it is not actually the most appropriate language raid. Come to Pak Hasto's house in Bekasi, right to complete the evidence needed approximately. We respect that because the authority is attached to the KPK," Said said at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 8.

"And usually the KPK does every process that is sprindik or suspect will indeed be carried out, what is the term? What? If the KPK? The search for evidence to complete what the KPK already has," he continued.

Said emphasized that since the beginning PDIP was committed to supporting law enforcement. Not only this time, but also in various cases.

"Moreover, the police, the prosecutor's office, let alone the KPK. We sincerely respect the authority attached to the KPK," he said.

The chairman of the Banggar DPR RI said that his party did not have the potential that the KPK should not need to search Hasto's residence. He hopes that what the KPK has done to Hasto will not cause a commotion in the public sphere.

"Let us respect the process, the entire process at the KPK with the principle of presumption of innocence. On the one hand, this case is already 2020 and hopefully this can be passed well and does not cause a public commotion for anyone, both for the KPK and for our internals," said Said.

Regarding legal assistance, Said said, PDIP gave advocacy to Hasto. Not only the secretary general, but for all the cadres of the bull party who stumbled on legal cases.

"We will live this well, perfectly to show and at the same time provide advocacy to the public that whoever is among us, a PDI-P cadre, has a legal case, say a quote, we will obey the whole process," concluded Said.

As previously reported, the KPK searched the residence of the Secretary General of PDIP, Hasto Kristiyanto, at Villa Taman Kartini Housing, G3/18, Margahayu Village, East Bekasi District, West Java, Tuesday, January 7.

The KPK investigating team arrived at the location at 14.45 WIB. Several officers who entered the house were seen carrying large suitcases.

KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika confirmed the search at Hasto Kristiyanto's private house in Bekasi. The search was related to the alleged bribery case for the determination of members of the DPR for the 2019-2024 period and the alleged obstruction of the investigation.

"It is true that there is currently a search activity carried out by investigators for the case with the suspect HK. The latest update on HK's private house (was searched)," said Tessa, Tuesday, January 7.

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