JAKARTA - It's been two months since NEVAEVA! The 2024 Festival was announced to have been canceled, but it seems that the organizers have not fulfilled the refund to all ticket holders.
Meanwhile, the music festival with the lineup of musicians from South Korea, including Heize, Epik High, Simon Dominic, and Giriboy, is planned to be held at the Madya B Stadium, Senayan, Central Jakarta on November 2, 2024.
Then, the organizers made an official announcement on October 21, 2024, that the event was canceled.
Initially, the organizers promised to collect data for the refund process until November 15, then the refund process was carried out periodically, a maximum of 30 working days.
However, until the turn of the year, there are still many complaints on social media X from those who claim to be ticket holders.
"Refund my nevaeva money, don't waste my money, I hope you never sleep well," tweeted one netizen on Tuesday, January 7.
Complaints also came at the response of the organizers. One of the accounts uploaded a screenshot that was suspected of being Pratama Pradana Inc's Instagram account.
Penonton nagih refund concert ghoib Nevaeva malah dikatan rese sama oknum Pratama Pradana Pic. Bagaimana konfeksi tak sepir," tulis warganet lainnya.
VOI has tried to contact the organizers and those claiming to be ticket holders. However, there has been no reply until this article was written.
Meanwhile, the problem of canceled concert refunds in Indonesia is a serious problem that has not yet ended. This shows that certification for music promoters must be a priority.
In this case, Kadri Mohamad agreed with the proposal of the Indonesian Music Promoter Association (APMI) regarding certification.
According to the singer, nicknamed The Singing Lawyer, certification is important for music promoters, especially for international concerts. Those who hold large music concerts must be considered to have certified competencies.
"I think it is necessary (certification). This promoter must be divided, there are promoters who are class A, for example, who provide big stages," said Kadri when contacted by VOI last December.
All elements that support the establishment of an outdoor stage, ranging from sound, lighting, stage, ticketing, marketing, licensing, must be from class A promoters. So it must be certified," he continued.
Kadri sees the importance of certification so that there are no promoter actions that actually make the performance ecosystem in Indonesia lose credibility.
"Compared to for example (promotor) beginners, do not have a track record, make concerts and are not registered in an association, continue to hold big events," he said.
This is also to avoid events that tarnish the Indonesian music industry, for example riots, promoters who fled because they did not pay off the performers, and many more.
"Well, that's the need for certification for promoters. So there are class A, class B, and class C," said Kadri.
"So don't let it happen, these problematic promoters create chaos on the Indonesian music stage, so that people don't believe it anymore. Later sponsors don't believe it and the audience doesn't believe in these concerts. That's why this must be registered and must be certified," he said.
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