JABAR - PT Pertamina (Persero) reported that 3.000 vehicles using Pertalite type fuel in Cianjur, West Java (West Java) have been registered in the Mypertamina application. Including 800 vehicles using subsidized diesel.

Pertamina Cianjur and Sukabumi Sales Area Manager, Zia Ardhi said, to make it easier for residents to register online, his party carried out various socialization programs that were held at a number of gas stations in two areas including Cianjur.

"Various activities are made so that people can channel their expressions while helping to educate the right subsidy program for diesel subsidies and 4-wheel gear in a more interesting way, one of which is My Pertamina Voice, which is attended by musicians from various regions," he said in Cianjur, West Java, quoted from Antara, Sunday 31 July.

My Pertamina Voice is here as a forum for musicians to channel their musical interests and talents, where participants are required to bring 3 songs, namely 1 Pertamina Jingle mandatory song or a self-composed song with the theme of Proper Subsidy and 2 free songs, so that through songs they can provide education for residents regarding the Mypertamina program.

The high enthusiasm of musicians can be seen from the number of registrants who reach tens of participants and then the best six participants will be selected at the Grand Final event on August 13, 2022.

"The selected musicians will later be involved in a socialization event that will be held at a predetermined point in Cianjur," he said.

Pertamina, added Zia, will continue to strive so that all residents of Cianjur can easily get information about the Mypertamina program for those who feel they are entitled to subsidies immediately register their vehicles.

This includes, he continued, conducting online education through social media with easy-to-understand content.

"Pertamina will also conduct offline education so that people know about this precise subsidy program. We hope that all levels of society will support it," he said.

For further information regarding the distribution mechanism of Pertalite and Solar subsidies using the MyPertamina system, the public can contact Pertamina Call Center 135 and the official social media @ptpertaminapatraniaga and @mypertamina.

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