JAKARTA - Talking about motorbikes is certainly closely related to the modified side, because currently iron horses are often associated with the user's lifestyle, even modifications often bring inspiration and unlimited creations from the modifier.

Facilitating modifiers, Yamaha presents a modification event for the 2024 Fazzio Modifest specifically for Yamaha Fazzio statics which was first held in Indonesia. Squeezers from the Classy Yamaha category are known to have a unique and easy to modify design (white canvas). After taking place in Bandung and Yogyakarta, this time Fazzio Modifest 2024 was present to greet Makassar City which took place last August 17.

The choice of a city known as Daeng City is not without reason. Apart from being known for its diversity, Makassar City also has creative and inspiring modifier talents, especially in Eastern Indonesia.

"The dominance of Yamaha in Sulawesi, especially in Makassar, is the main reason we held the first modified Yamaha Fazzio event in Indonesia. In addition, the owners of Yamaha Fazzio here on average have high creativity. Moreover, they are supported by the unique and inspiring design of Yamaha Fazzio himself," said Chief Yamaha Territory 7 Sulawesi Paulus Himawan, in his official statement received, Tuesday, August 20.

Located in the Phinisi Point Mall Parking Court, this modified lifestyle event was able to attract more than 70 participants. Dozens of these modified Fazzios appeared attractive in the midst of thousands of mall visitors. Fazzio Modifest itself is open to all owners of Yamaha Fazzio who want to show creativity and expertise in modifying to be cooler and uniquer.

The modified participants at the Fazzio Modifest will also be rewarded with prizes of millions of rupiah for the winners. At the Fazzio Modifest, the modified participants will compete with each other in modified skills to get the best assessment from the judges who come from experts in their respective fields. In addition, visitors can also participate and learn directly from the modified experts to find out more about motorcycle modification tips and tricks.

In this event consists of two categories, namely Fazzio Modif Tipis-Tipis & Fazzio Modif Gue Style. Fazzio Modif Tipis-Tipis is a modified category that expresses the uniqueness of the style of Fazzio users with a simple modified concept and there are original Yamaha accessories. Meanwhile, for the category of modifications of Fazzio Gaya Gue, this expresses the uniqueness of the style of Fazzio users with a modified creative concept. Participants are allowed to use custom or handmade accessories and use original Yamaha accessories.

"The modification of the Fazzio Modifest in Makassar City is very interesting. I give high appreciation to Yamaha as the organizer. Apart from being a modification event for Yamaha Fazzio, here I can also learn a lot from the expertise in the field of motorcycle modification, which indeed modifies the skutik, which has a fairly high level of difficulty," said Rahardian Santoso, one of the modified participants.

After Makassar, Fazzio Modifest will greet reliable modifiers from Bekasi City on August 31, 2024. Don't miss the excitement of activities from the Fazio Modifest event in the next city.

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