JAKARTA - Being one of the pioneers of lubricants in the world, Motul continues to give birth to new innovations by launching lubricant line-up for high-performance motorcycles whose quality is already the first Motul 7100 4T and Motul 5100 4T. With a long history of more than 171 years, Motul became the pioneer who first issued the pioneer of Multigrade's first lubricant. Motul was also the first producer to introduce semi-synthetic oil in the world in 1966, as well as the first time in the world to introduce Ester technology lubricants in 1971. With Ester's findings, Motul continues to develop the best lubricant products for racing events as well as for daily use, including the latest 5100 and 7100 Ester-based line-up to meet consumer needs and also the latest standards in the lubricant industry. "Motul 7100 4T and 5100 4T are designed for today's high-tech motorcycles, having surpassed the latest technical standards for SP API certification and meeting standard JASO T903:2023 MA2 to optimize the performance of wet coupling and improve overall driving quality," said National Sales Director of Motul Indonesia Energy Welmart Purba, in its official statement, Monday, June 10. Ester Core's technology on these two recent lubricant series not only supports the performance of the motor engine, but also provides unmatched protection so as well as long-distance racing. For Motul as the global producer of premium lubrication, series 7100 4T and 5100 4T are new products that have gone beyond the previous technical standards. Even these 7100 4T and 5100 4T lubricant series are designed beyond the recommendations of the world's latest and standard motorcycle manufacturers. Both of these lubricants are the best solutions for driving on highways and offroads in all kinds of conditions. "Syntic olol technology with this Ester basis material has been shown to be years of maximal output. Especially on large cc motors or heavier use," he added.
Motul claims the formulation offered from his two new lubricants has an impact on longer and longer service intervals compared to motorcycle manufacturers' recommendations. Not without reason, for 7100 4T to work by ensuring peak performance and protection throughout its use cycle. Meanwhile, 5100 4T was developed for the use of motor adventure that likes to trade in the free world. Formulated with the basic ingredients of the Technosyntheseester, this range of products offers maximum efficiency and protection, including turning on machines more easily, smooth movement of teeth, and optimal fuel savings. Interestingly, this latest formulation of 7100 and 5100 has a higher durability to evaporation as motors work more extremely. With low evaporation, it will provide a constant and long-lasting performance. "With this improvement, we want to support motorists to perform unlimited exploration by presenting a line of products that meet their needs," said Marketing Director Motul Indonesia Energy Bayu Kurniawan. The range of MOTUL 7100 4T & 5100 4T products is becoming available in the Asian market including Indonesia starting May 2024. The Motul 7100 and 5100 series are available in various viscosities to accommodate various driving needs, such as 7100 4T: 5W-40, 10W-30, 10W-40, 10W-50, 10W-50, 20W-50, 15W-50, and 5100 4T: 10W-30, 10W-40, 10W-50, 15W-50, 20W-50. Packaging labels have also been redesigned to facilitate user identification," concluded Welmart Purba.
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