Want To Go Home But Wrongly Buy Fake Motorcycle Parts, Recognize The Difference
Illustration of motorcycle brake camp. (Doc. Yamaha Indonesia)

JAKARTA - Caring for two-wheeled vehicles is something that must be done, a motorbike that is maintained will make it easier when used for Eid homecoming. But specifically for homecoming, it is necessary to replace several components or parts that are no longer suitable for use. And make sure the components are genuine and not fake.

Not without reason, the use of fake parts can certainly affect the performance of the motorbike itself, as a result, making users uncomfortable when traveling, and the components are also damaged faster.

Marketing Plan Part of Division Manager of PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM) Novianto, revealed that to see if the original or fake motorcycle parts can be visible.

"It can be seen from the outside packaging of the label, and there are many parameters where the difference can be found," he said, during breaking the fast with the media, in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 27.

In addition to the label, he said consumers can see from the font design that is embedded in the packaging section, for Yamaha spare parts using a special design.

"Kalau dari Yamaha itu memiliki desain font khusus tidak ada yang sama dengan font lain, itu bisa menjadi acuan," tambahnya.

Finally, the existing barcode section, he said the barcode presented by Yamaha was special, to anticipate the circulation of counterfeit spare parts.

"If you scan it, you can see information in the form of part numbers," he explained.

So, make sure to buy genuine motorcycle spare parts so that the performance of the motorbike remains good, especially when used for long distances such as Eid homecoming.

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