JAKARTA Memories of today, eight years ago, February 6, 2017, the former President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) was furious that his residence in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta was the target of a demonstration. The protest took place because SBY was considered to have committed treason and was the mastermind behind the 411 Islamic defense action.

Previously, SBY's blessing to his son, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) participated in the 2017 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election brought a stir. SBY believes his support can bring AHY to victory. This condition made the political atmosphere in Jakarta hot.

The 2017 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election was full of surprises. Jakarta residents were initially faced with the choice of cagub Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), then Anies Baswedan. Both are considered figures who can fight hard to win the votes of Jakarta residents.

Ahok with his capacity to build DKI Jakarta. Anies has the capacity as a former Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud). However, surprisingly the Democratic Party emerged for the third axis.

They dared to promote a new figure in the 2017 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election: AHY. The son of SBY is considered to be able to bring Jakarta to progress. AHY also made difficult decisions. He chose to withdraw from his military career.

AHY was then paired with Sylviana Murni who had worked as Mayor of Central Jakarta. AHY's presence in fact gave rise to pros and cons. Those who support think AHY's presence can be an attractive choice because his track record is clean in the military world.

Those who counter think AHY only use the name of their parents. SBY's support has become a common secret that has a big influence. This condition makes SBY's political movements often get attention.

The sharp spotlight on SBY occurred when he was considered one of the brains behind the presence of the 411 Islamic defense action on November 4, 2016. The action took place so that the state immediately punished blasphemers: Ahok. Andil SBY was also considered guilty because the act of defending Islam was considered to smell of treason. At its peak, SBY's residence in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta was visited by the mass of action on February 6, 2017.

"Yes, there was a mass of students who came, we have disbanded because there was no notification for the action. The masses of the Jambore event had an event from 4-6, followed by 3 thousand students. It contained (the action demands) against the issue of SARA, against injustice".

"The goal is to not be clear either. I also don't understand why they demonstrated here. It's been disbanded. There were almost 300 people. There was no damage, only speeches and no notifications," said South Jakarta Police Chief, Iwan Kurniawan as quoted on the detik.com page, February 6, 2017.

SBY was furious because hundreds of students demonstrated in front of his house. He felt like security forces were letting the action happen. This condition made SBY feel that he, the former Indonesian number one, could be disturbed, let alone others.

He asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to care about his security. SBY revealed that there is no Law (UU) that allows demonstrations in private homes. Even the police did not provide any information. SBY hopes that the brains of the demonstrators will be thoroughly investigated immediately.

"My brothers who love law and justice, my house in Kuningan is currently being attacked by hundreds of people. They screamed. Unless the country has changed, the law does not allow demonstrations in private homes. The police also did not tell me".

"I asked the President & National Police Chief, do I not have the right to live in my own country, with my human rights? I only ask for justice. Regarding the safety of my soul, I fully leave it to Allah SWT," wrote SBY in a series of comments on his Twitter / X account @SBYudhoyono, February 6, 2017.

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