JAKARTA Memories today, seven years ago, December 5, 2017, the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) withdrew all questions about the final exam of the odd semester of the class XII Fiqh Madrasah Aliyah (MA) class in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (Kalsel). The withdrawal was made because there was caliphate material in it.
Previously, not a few people thought that the caliphate was a top government system. They consider the caliphate system to be the best option to replace the democratic system in Indonesia. The problem is that religion in Indonesia varies.
The existence of the Islamic heyday era of the Sultanate of Turkey is often admired. The pattern of caliphate Islamic rule is considered one of the best ever. The caliphate system is echoed to restore the glory of Islam.
The narrative continues to circle around supporters of caliphate such as Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) long before disbanding in 2017. The caliphate system is predicted to be the main way for Indonesia to be transformed into a large nation.
This view arises because Indonesia while under the democratic system has brought many harm, rather than benefits. They consider the democratic system only to produce quality leaders.
They do not agree with the Election system. Efforts to choose a leader with the most votes. One person one voice. The narrative was opposed by them. All because of the religious scholars and the value of their voices is the same.
This understanding is increasingly being shared with HTI. They try to find sympathy on campuses. Sometimes also recitation to recitation. The goal is that the caliphate system can be encouraged in Indonesia.
Problems arise. The caliphate system is actually considered by the Indonesian government as a part of the Madrasah Aliyah exam which contains questions related to the caliphate in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan Twitter/X account @kemarsjadai benalu in diversity. Indonesia is believed to have the power of diversity religiousity to cultural ethnicity. If using the country's Khilafah system to serve Muslims alone. Instead of division, the government dissolved HTI in July 2017.
"Especially those that are opposed to the ideology and state law in Indonesia. With the revocation of the Decree of the HTI Legal Entity, the mass organization was declared disbanded in accordance with Perppu Number 2 of 2017 Article 80A," explained the Director General of General Legal Administration (AHU) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Freddy Harris at a press conference at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights building as quoted by Kompas.com, July 19, 2017.
HTI may be suppressed. However, the understanding of the caliphate is still spread. The narrative was revealed by the discovery of the Supreme Court exam sheet in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan which contained the caliphate as part of the question.
The matter for high school students brings a stir. Because, Khilafah is a sensitive issue in Indonesia. The Ministry of Religion does not remain silent. They believe that one part of the lessons taught in the Supreme Court is related to the history of Islamic rule after the Prophet Muhammad died. Alias is in accordance with the curriculum.
However, the problem is when simplifying the history of Islamic government to the caliphate system alone is considered wrong. The Ministry of Religion immediately withdrew the circulation of the exam questions on December 5, 2017. The withdrawal was carried out so that the potential of young people to force the caliphate government system in Indonesia did not occur.
The Ministry of Religion is also committed to fighting things that interfere with religious moderation religious diversity. They also ask the public to be active if they find similar problems in other areas. The Ministry of Religion will immediately replace the exam questions.
"If you find something that is contrary to the spirit and vision of Islamic moderation, please communicate directly to us or the Provincial and Regency/City Ministry of Religion so that we can immediately take productive steps for the common good," explained the Director General of Islamic Education at the Ministry of Religion, Kamaruddin Amin, quoted by the Ministry of Religion website, December 5, 2017.
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