JAKARTA - The September 11, 2001 tragedy was considered the largest terrorist attack in the history of Uncle Sam's country. At that time, two terrorist-hijacked aircraft hit a symbol of the superiority of the United States (US), the twin tower of the World Trade Center (WTC), New York.

Deep sorrow arises from everywhere. Deaths continue to fall. The US is furious, not playing. They also waged a war against terrorism. Indonesia's image as the largest Muslim country in the world is needed. Urge to be grateful for Indonesia to join the coalition against terrorism to be carried out.

New York is often dubbed a city that never falls asleep. Economic activity continues to rotate. Moreover, in the morning, September 11, 2001. The crowd has been moving since morning. Orag-people are getting busy going to work with all kinds of transportation.

Some use public transportation such as a subway. There are also those who use private vehicles. Congestion has also become the hallmark of a city as big and as important as New York. Problems arise. The lively atmosphere of economic activity is suddenly disrupted.

One thing is definitely not a random disturbance. New York's position became an uproar because it heard a loud bang. Recently, people found out that an aircraft from the American Airlines Boeing 767 which contained 20 thousand gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the WTC building.

The collision took place at 08:30 am. Then, the second Boeing 767 aircraft from United Airlines reached the south tower a few minutes later. The collision resulted in a huge explosion.

Two hours later the two buildings collapsed. Thousands of people were killed. People who are pursuing daily activities are panicking, not playing games. Panic is increasing as they get information that the terrorist network, Al Qaeda is behind the hijacking of the plane.

The claim exacerbated the situation. Terror from terrorist networks spread throughout the world. The US is like losing its face. Those who incidentally are cultured in terms of politics and security are in fact easily penetrated by terrorism. As a result, the issue of the world's economic recession is predicted to take place.

The conclusion seems not to be excessive. America's role in the world economy cannot be underestimated. So far, US products account for a quarter of the world's output. On the other hand, a third of China and Japan's exports flow to the wheat country.

If US consumer confidence collapses, Japanese car manufacturers will lose a quarter of their markets and Chinese traders will be involved in finding new export destinations for the children's garment and toys industry. This list can still be extended: Taiwan and Malaysia must close part of the semiconductor factory, and Indonesia is forced to reduce the shipment of handicrafts, footwear and wood products," said Nugroho Dewanto and Anwar Fuadi in a report in Tempo magazine entitled Koboy's Future Boyak (2001).

The US government is not a country that gives up quickly. The power-owner quickly looks for a strategy so that the September 19, 2001 attacks do not interfere with the world economy. President George Walker Bush takes a stand. Bush wants to win the hearts of Muslims around the world.

He then chose Indonesia to be the first Muslim country to be invited to the US after the 9/11 Tragedy. The invitation to Indonesia was like a privilege. Because, Indonesia is considered to have a big influence on the world Muslim country.

Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries are not really considered important by the US. The pinnacle of being loved by scholars arrived. President Megawati left for the US and met Bush on September 19, 2001.

The two leaders of the country - Bush and Megawati - are trying to refresh relations. All kinds of old wounds were immediately forgotten. The focus of the two countries turning into a coalition against terrorism in the world. US persuasion was launched into Indonesia.

The US promised to seek aid funds to Indonesia. There is also a desire by the US to provide free import duties to the US for several Indonesian products. The US also invited Indonesia to hold military exercises together.

The kindness of the US certainly expected reciprocity. At that time, Indonesia was seen as the country with the largest Muslim majority in the world. Indonesia's participation in the coalition against terrorism will make the world's eyes no longer consider the US Islamophobia. This is because the US has often linked terrorism to the Islamic world.

The US supports Indonesia. Vice versa. Bujuk Rayu also succeeded. This collaboration is considered a big step to fight terrorism, especially Al Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden. This commitment to make the world's economic recession ultimately did not happen.

Megawati is the president of the country with the largest Islamic population in the world. Therefore, for George W. Bush, Megawati's acceptance at the White House will definitely be very useful to convince the world that, by proclaimeding a war on terrorism in all its forms, America is not hostile to Islamic countries.

"Marijuh W. Bush dapat menggunakan pertemuannya dengan Megawati untuk menginggukan bahwa masyarakat Islam, baik yang berada di Timur Tengah, Asia, maupun di Amerika sendiri, tidak perlu khawatir dengan keterdekaan negara adidaya yang dipimpinya untuk mengejar serta menghancurkan kaum teroris ke selalukan dunia mana," ungkap Rizal Mallarangeng dalam buku Dari Langit(2008).

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