JAKARTA Memories of today, 11 years ago, September 11, 2013, Minister of Forestry (Menhut), Zulkifli Hasan emphasized that Indonesia does not have a figure of Rambo in upholding justice. This affirmation was revealed as a form of clarification over the anger of Hollywood star Harrison Ford.

Previously, the man who is familiarly called Zulhas was one of the speakers of the documentary series "Year of Living Dangerous" (2014) hosted by Harrison Ford. The documentary tries to expose the government's inability to fight forest enthusiasts.

The pace of damage to Indonesian forests continues to be in the world's spotlight. Forest damage is often associated with government policies that are pro-business rather than the life of the Indonesian people. Forest destruction that is high and fast certainly cannot be fixed.

This condition made Indonesia one of the highlights in making the documentary film "Year of Living Dangerous". The film was focused on making the people of the world open their eyes to the impact of global warming. Harrison Ford was also asked to guide the event.

The star of the film Umba Jones witnessed for himself how the destruction of the forest in Tesso Nilo National Park, Riau. The forest around the national park is barren. Ford suspects there is something wrong with the relationship between power and business.

Just imagine that the forest, which used to be 83 thousand hectares, only had 20 thousand hectares left due to oil palm logging and plantations. Ford and the crew immediately went to the Ministry of Forestry in Jakarta to ask how far the government's commitment was.

The day you have been waiting for has arrived. Ford was immediately accepted by the Minister of Forestry, Zulhas himself on September 9, 2013. Ford tried to talk. The result is far from expectations. The answer obtained was only in the form of playing it safe.

Zulhas like blaming Indonesia for learning democracy. This condition makes Indonesia need a lot of time to protect the environment. This answer angered Ford.

"It's not funny. Only 18 percent are left. We see them, there are new streets, illegal new streets, loggery, trees scattered on the ground, burned where they fell. It's very concerning, very sad, you've seen it, you promise a resolution, "said Ford.

Ford became even more furious when he learned about the fact that 20 thousand inhabitants of the forest at Tesso Nilo could actually live freely. This disappointment was clearly expressed through his face. News of Ford getting angry with Zulhas was flying everywhere.

As a result, Zulhas tried to confirm the anger of Ford on September 11, 2013. Zulhas considers catching forest dividers is not an easy matter. Just one person was arrested, the other will block the road. Zulhas joked that in Indonesia there is no Rambo.

A figure who is considered strong and brave based on the fictional novel David Morrell in the novelFirst Blood (1972). Zulhas then revealed that the government's approach to adding is not a security approach, but a welfare approach. The way to find them is to make a living.

"Harrison Ford is disappointed that I did not catch 20 thousand additional forest in Tesso Nilo. He didn't know I only arrested one person in Mesuji for a week blocking the Sumatra highway. What about 20 thousand people? There's noberanya here. "

"Every day, if that's the case, the forest will be more damaged there. Yes, indeed. But the choice, the forest is a bit damaged or captures 20 thousand increase. It's not easy," said Zulhas as quoted on the tempo.co page, September 11, 2013.

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