JAKARTA Memories of today, 11 years ago, July 23, 2013, Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), M. Nuh conferred Christian Herawati (Ani Yudhoyono) Anugerah Adicipta Lokatara Utama. The award was given because of the services of Ani initiating a Smart House.

Previously, Mrs. Ani had initiated the presence of Solidarity of the Wife of the United Indonesia Cabinet (SIKIB). The container became an event for the First Lady and the wives of the ministers of the United Indonesia Cabinet to show off to contribute to developing the country.

Ani's mother does not want to be only labeled as the First Lady who only follows her husband's state agenda, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). She also feels that she needs a forum for her own work. She tries to invite all wives of the ranks of the United Indonesia Cabinet ministers to actively help contribute to the nation and state in 2004.

They built a container. SIKIB, the name. SIKIB is a forum used by Mrs. Ani and her friends to actively contribute in various fields: environmental, creativity, health, and education.

SIKIB's service in education is no less great. They initiated the presence of Smart Houses throughout Indonesia. The house is as the name implies, which is here to educate the lives of Indonesian children.

They understand very well that important elements in children's education include learning and playing. Mrs. Ani also presents a variety of supporting facilities at Rumah Pintar. The house, which is part of the Indonesia Smart program, is like an exciting ride and learning.

There, there are many books and a number of educational games available. The goal is for new children to come home from school to visit there and feel at home. The results are amazing. The Smart House, which was initiated in 2005, is growing rapidly.

In total in June 2012, the Smart House has built 292 units spread throughout Indonesia. This achievement proves that the image of gathering officials is not only spent with non-faedah activities.

We also set up a Smart House. It is a challenge for us to create a vehicle that is able to be a bonus for children to learn and play after school. Because of the shape of the house, we can provide more facilities, ranging from books and learning and playing activities. "

"There are four centers available in each of these services, namely book centers, educational game centers, visual audio centers, and computer centers. Especially for Smart Houses plus craft centers," said Ani Yudhoyono as written by Alberthiene Endah in the book Ani Yudhoyono: 10 Years of Heart Travel (2018).

The popularity of the Rumah Pintar program which was initiated and managed by SIKIB echoed everywhere. Mrs. Ani as the initiator began to get support from many parties. The presence of the Smart House is considered the answer so that the next generation of the nation can grow intelligently.

The Minister of Education and Culture, M. Nuh also tried to give appreciation to Ani Yudhoyono regarding the Smart House on July 23, 2013. M.Nuh saw that Mrs. Ani had a great spirit of advancing children's education in the country.

As a result, M. Nuh gave Mrs. Ani Adicipta Lokatara Utama. The gift took place at SME Tower, Jakarta. The highest award in the field of education was deliberately given to coincide with National Children's Day 2013. Mrs. Ani also admitted that she was proud because the concept of a Smart House began to be recognized by neighboring countries.

"This innovation has been recognized by the Asean countries and will be adopted by Timor Leste," said Ani Yudhoyono as quoted on the independent website.com, July 23, 2013.

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