JAKARTA - France has upheld religious freedom. This desire can be seen from the seriousness of political figures separating between government and religion. The owner of power does not want a religion that is dominant in government.

The country of Mode then introduced the principles of Laicite - secularism as a national identity. However, the principle was actually disturbed by the government's own policies. France officially banned the use of religious attributes in public schools/agencies in 2004 "mainly the hijab". The policy brought many criticism from Muslims.

In the past, France almost could never separate religious influences in state life. State important decisions often come from the blessing of the church. This condition has long interfered with the course of government.

At that time many ethnic groups and religions became an important element of the French people. Efforts to impose the wishes of the Catholic church are certainly not a wise thing. This condition led to a big debate. As a result, France chose a secular form of government'separates government and religion.

France then adopted the Laicitre principle on December 9, 1905. This condition made France no longer seek religious legal products. The power owner can freely design rules that are in accordance with the common good.

This condition makes the government in a neutral party that will not side with any religion. They also do not want to regulate religion. This condition makes the State present in protecting the freedom of the French people to adhere to or not adhere to a religion.

Everything boils down to the unity of life in the midst of the diversity of French citizens. In fact, the more diverse groups of people, the challenges began to grow. Recently Muslim groups began to come to France.

They live and live. They also use the same public facilities. This condition makes Muslim groups feel like they want to be treated specially. They are allowed to use religious accessories in their daily activities. Social jealousy began to emerge afterward.

The 1905 law, which first established the principle of la Maricit\'e in France, is about guarantees of freedom. This law stipulates the separation of churches and countries, freedom of religion by French citizens.

"Respect for all citizens before the law, whatever their beliefs. Secalarism imposes allegiance on French countries and public institutions, but does not require personal closure from citizens," said Rokhaya Diallo in his writing on The Guardian's page entitled What has 20 Years of Banning Headscarves Done for France? (2024).

The presence of Muslims in France is like a new phenomenon. They come from various regions such as Morocco, Algeria, and African countries where the majority of the population is Muslim. They have become many French citizens and the Muslim population is the second largest group in the secular country.

The influence made significant changes related to understanding the principles of secularism. The French government is like reneging on laicite principles. The Draft Law (RUU) related to the ban on the hijab in public schools began to be discussed and debated in the 2000s era.

The French parliament also voted. As a result, supporting lawmakers reached 494 votes. Meanwhile, those who do not agree reached 36 votes. As a result, the use of hijabs and other religious attributes (slips, Jewish skullcaps, Kippa) is prohibited from being used in schools SD, SMP, SMA.

The rules came into force in March 2004. Muslims are a group that reacts to other groups. The French government is criticized for not playing. The criticism was not only present from French Muslims.

Criticism comes from within the government itself. The French Foreign Minister said the bill, which later became the law, was nothing more than an opposition to the hijab and was no longer a matter of secularism.

Meski demikian, sebagian besar dunia Muslim tetap yakin bahwa UU baru tersebut merupakan penghinakan yang tidak menyenangkan terhadap Islam. Argumen yang dikemujukan oleh pejabat Prancis sejak undang-undang tersebut diserahkan pada bulan Maret, untuk memperlindungi nilai-nilai Republik Prancis, belum dihamami.

Even the Minister of Home Affairs, Dominique de Villepin, who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs when the bill was passed, opposed him. He predicted correctly that the bill would be seen as an act against the hijab, not an act of supporting secularism," said Elaine Sciolino in her article in The New York Times entitled Ban on Head of Scarves Takes Effect in France (2004).

Criticism from outside France is no less great. Demonstrations arose everywhere. The most memorable reactions were two French journalists, Georges Malbrunot and Christian Chesnot were kidnapped in Iraq even then released. The group of kidnappers asked the French government to withdraw the charges.

The French government has also revealed that the group of kidnappers does not interfere in state affairs. The owners of power confirmed that they are not at war with Islam, but for equality and justice for all schoolchildren in France.

It's different for Muslims. It's also different for Jews and Christians. Jews seem more relaxed commenting on the prohibition of Jewish religious attributes in public schools. French Rabi Agung, Joseph Sitruk actually supports the policy. He admitted that there was no problem if school children did not use Jewish skullcaps.

France's great governor Joseph Sitruk has supported the ban on religious attributes, and many French Jews have said they are relieved by the enforcement of official secularism -- which has historically benefited French Jews.

Younger Jews may feel more Jewish than their parents, but even the daughter of singer Brigitte Stora, Hanna, says she believes that Jewish religious attributes are something that is imposed on parties, not schools," wrote Fernanda Eberstadt in her article on The New York Times page entitled A Frenchman Or a Jewish? (2004).

For France, that's the best way to make Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite motto: Freedom, Equality, and Brotherhood.

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