JAKARTA Memories of today, 12 years ago, June 20 2012, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) condemned the campaign plan of the Minister of Health (Menkes), Nafsiah Mboi for condoms to risky sexual groups, including teenagers. MUI also emphasized that condoms are only intended for husband and wife, not others.

Previously, Nafsiah's statement supported the use of condoms to be a polemic. The philosophy of defending the action is a form of preventing pregnancy that is at risk and an effort to reduce the number of abortions to teenagers. Also fighting the HIV and AIDS virus.

The life of the younger generation is in the worrying category. The influence of free sex can make youth and society lose their future. Moreover, these sexual activities are without any knowledge related to the reproductive system that is punctuating.

This condition leads to disaster. Many teenagers who are paralyzed until pregnancy are unavoidable. Minister of Health Nafsiah Mboi is well aware of the case. He said that there were too many cases of abortion in Indonesia and many fetuses that were contained without love.

According to him, this condition is a big homework for the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes). According to him, the younger generation must be strengthened by religious and family education. Education is needed so that teenagers do not have pre-wedding sex.

Nafsiah also revealed that the use of condoms is a further step towards combating abortion rates. Condoms can also fight viruses such as HIV and AIDS. He wants to immediately draw up a program to socialize reproductive health programs and campaigns to ban free sex outside of marriage.

Problems arise. Nafsiah's statement is considered legalizing the use of condoms among teenagers. Nafsiah is also accused of carrying out a campaign to distribute condoms to schools and adolescents. This means that Nafsiah is considered a supporter of the moral damage of the nation's children.

Criticism came to shower Nafsiah. The criticism arose because Nafsiah often exposed condoms as a powerful contraceptive tool to prevent unwanted pregnancies among teenagers.

In addition, reproductive health education is needed so that teenagers know what is good and not good for their bodies and others. The use of condoms is a public health effort to reduce the bad effects (harm reduction). This step is to reduce harm after the recommendation to say no to sadistic sex and out of marriage does not work," Nafsiah said as quoted on the Kompas.com page, June 19, 2012.

Nafsiah's statement was made and brought criticism. MUI also spoke up on June 20, 2012. MUI does not agree with the Ministry of Health's wishes to promote and at the same time distribute condoms to the public, especially to teenagers.

MUI emphasized that condoms can only be used by married couples. The legal partner uses condoms as a means of contraception or the most appropriate prevention of pregnancy. However, if the target is general, especially if teenagers use condoms to become disadvantaged.

"But if the socialization of the use of condoms to the public, the opinion of the assembly of scholars is still like a few years ago, we don't agree. Condoms can be used to have an affair, adultery. Especially for teenagers. Because there are condoms, it can encourage them to sex. Now that is very dangerous,"

"Therefore a criminal act (abortion), killing and committing great sins. Gonta replaces a partner, let alone having an affair is also illegal. "If there is more harm, it means that the law is prohibited," said MUI chairman for halal products, Amidhan Shaberah, as quoted by the vivanews page, June 20, 2012.

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