JAKARTA Memories of today, four years ago, June 8, 2020, researchers from Imperial College London revealed that the policies of countries in Europe that impose lockdowns (regional quarantine) have saved 3.1 million people from COVID-19. The regional quarantine option is considered one of the best non-pharmacies to prevent transmission of the coronavirus.

Previously, the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic brought panic across Europe. This panic made 11 European countries quarantine the region. They think the regional caratin can slow the spread of the coronavirus.

The issue of the deadly virus being present in Wuhan, China had made the world don't care. Many countries actually underestimated the emergence of the corona virus. However, the transmission of the corona virus which is relatively fast and high changed everything.

This condition was exacerbated by the Chinese government which failed to anticipate the development of the virus. International flight doors from and to Wuhan continue to open. The impact is everywhere. Disasters come from mainland Asia to Europe. The transmission rate is crazy.

Deaths due to COVID-19 also increased sharply. All kinds of sectors in European countries fell at their lowest point. This condition is exacerbated by the lack of information regarding preventive measures related to COVID-19. As a result, many policies that are test-based are implemented.

Empunya kuasa mulai menjalinkan kebijakan kerja dan sekolah dari rumah. Orang-orang diminta untuk mulai jauh dan menjaga jarak. Namun, tidak sedikit juga yang menerapkan kebijakan karantina wilayah. Total ada 11 negara Eropa yang melakukan karantina Wilayah -- Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, dan Inggris.

The policy does have destructive power to the economic sectors. Business does not work. A city is transformed like a dead city because people are forced to be confined to their homes. The policy also raises criticism from here and there. In the UK, especially.

There appeared groups who refused to quarantine the region. The British government began to consider refusal to be like the wind. The regional quarantine policy to break the chain of the spread of the coronavirus is still being carried out.

"With most countries already under extreme measures, it is clear that we need to do more, together, to control this new variant when the vaccine is being launched. In the UK, therefore we have to implement a national lockdown," said British Prime Minister Boris Johnson as quoted by the COMPASS.com page, May 1, 2020.

The regional quarantine policy has indeed left many nestapa. However, the policy is considered effective. Researcher from Imperial College London released his research regarding the effectiveness of the regional quarantine policy in Europe on June 8, 2020.

The results of the confiscation stated that regional quarantine can prevent 3.1 million people from dying. Regional quarantine can save 630 thousand French people, 630 Italians, and 470 British people, and so on.

"By using a model based on data on the number of deaths in 11 European countries, it is clear to us that non-pharmacy policy interventions such as lockdowns and school closures. That action has saved about 3.1 million lives in these countries."

Our research shows that the measures implemented in these countries in March 2020 succeeded in controlling the epidemic. The policy significantly reduces the number of people who may be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus," said study author from the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London, Seth Flaxman, quoted on the imperial.ac.uk page, June 8, 2020.

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