JAKARTA Memori hari ini, enam tahun yang lalu, 5 Mei 2018, Ketua Umum Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB), Muhaimin Iskandar atau Cak Imin ngebet Joko Widodo (Jokowi) memilihnya sebagai Cawapres dalam Pilpres 2019. Cak Imin pun khawatir jika ia tak jadi cawapres. Jokowi akan kalah, katanya.

Previously, the political contestation of the 2019 Presidential Election was full of dynamics. Many of the party leaders are confident that they can side by side with the strong candidate for the 2019 presidential election winner, Jokowi. PKB also attracted to want its chairman to become a vice presidential candidate.

There is nothing difficult to guess who the presidential candidate (candidate) will be in the 2019 presidential election. The candidate has narrowed to two names. The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) has chosen Jokowi as its presidential candidate.

Meanwhile, the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) is participating in advancing Prabowo. The two camps and their supporting parties are also busy determining the figure who will accompany the presidential candidate. Political lobbying related to the vice presidential candidate was heard loudly.

Old names and new names have emerged. Figures from party officials, as well as outside the parta stick out. The leader of the political party also joined in. PKB, for example. The party bearing the world ball symbol caught Cak Imin, who incidentally the chairman of the PKB. Cak Imin is considered the most appropriate figure to accompany Jokowi.

The party machines to support him as a vice presidential candidate were also used. The face of Cak Imin is plastered everywhere from being present on posters to billboards. The strategy was carried out to increase Cak Imin's electibility.

Cak Imin was asked to be more diligent in traveling around Indonesia. He also felt confident that he would be chosen by Jokowi. This confidence arose because Cak Imin was considered to be included in the 10 potential candidates as a vice presidential candidate. Moreover, Cak Imin is not a new person in the world of Indonesian politics.

His work has started since the New Order era. Cak Imin also believes that he will have many benefits for Jokowi.

"Before August 4, registration will continue to occur in the best selection process, which has the most electoral, which has the most benefits, which can fill weaknesses and disadvantages. Ordinary processes must be respected," said Cak Imin as quoted on Detik.com page, April 27, 2018.

Cak Imin's desire to become a vice presidential candidate is believed because he often meets the people. He often hears many complaints from residents of Central Java and East Java. The complaint made him want to do something for Indonesia. The only way is that he wants to be Jokowi's vice president.

Cak Imin also believes that Jokowi will elect him as Cawapres. He expressed this wish on May 5, 2018. For him, Jokowi will not be able to win if he is not a vice presidential candidate. Cak Imin is predicted to boost Jokowi's voice. Even though Cak Imin was not elected and Jokowi was again able to win the presidential election contestation. this time with Ma'ruf Amin.

"I can only remind you, if not me (the vice presidential candidate) it is feared that (Jokowi) could lose. Very optimistic that he will become a vice presidential candidate. Thank God it continues to increase. I believe there are still three months, in the end it can be a strong (cawapres) alternative," said Cak Imin quoted on Detik.com page, May 5, 2018

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