JAKARTA Memories of today, six years ago, April 24, 2018, the Jakarta Corruption Court said that the former chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Setya Novanto, was guilty of corruption in the e-KTP project. Setnov was sentenced to 15 years in prison and was required to pay a fine of Rp. 500 million, a subsidiary of three months in prison.

Previously, the issue of e-KTP corruption was warm again when former Democratic Party General Treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin tweeted. Nazaruddin also mentioned that Setnov's name was involved. Problems arise, the business of arresting Setnov is not an easy matter.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has a big project. The e-KTP project, its name. The project was included in the national strategic project in 2009. The execution took place from 2011-2012. The journey of the e-KTP project did not go smoothly.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) had sniffed out the issue of inflating funds. However, indications of corruption being investigated were fruitless. The problem was not heard for a long time. Muhammad Nazaruddin also appeared like a KPK collaborator to crush corruptors.

The former General Treasurer of the Democratic Party made a mistake. The name Setnov, who is currently serving as chairman of the DPR RI, was mentioned in 2017. The accusation was not arbitrary. Nazzaruddin even mentioned the profit that Setnov got. The fantastic profit value reached Rp574 billion.

The KPK also moved quickly. The KPK named Setnov as a suspect. Even though Setnov could not be arrested because he was reportedly sick. In fact, the reason for the illness was made by Setnov as a strategy. Setnov immediately took advantage of the pretrial option, which in fact became a weak point in upholding corruption.

Many people are able to escape. The Setnov was the same. He passed on September 29, 2017. The KPK began to work together to determine the status of a new suspect to Setnov. As a result, Setnov again filed a pretrial.

The KPK deliberately did not attend so that the pretrial decision had not been decided. The KPK moved quickly to complete all files and evidence. Everything was then transferred immediately to the Corruption Court. This condition is in accordance with Article 82 paragraph 1 letter d of the Criminal Procedure Code, the pretrial will fall after the file is transferred to the Corruption Court.

Supervision of the Setya case is very important because pretrial has proven to be a weak point in the legal process. There have been many corruption suspects who have been charged by the KPK pass through this route. Two years ago, Police Commissioner General Budi Gunawan was released from the snare of a corruption case after suing pretrial and was granted by judge Sarpin Rizaldi.

The former Director General of Taxes and Chairman of the Supreme Audit Agency Hadi Poernomo passed the same road to escape corruption cases. And finally, Regent Nganjuk Taufiqurrahman escaped from the KPK's snare after winning the pretrial last March, "is written in a Tempo Magazine report entitled Siasat Qualifying Setya Novanto (2017).

The second pretrial of Setnov died on December 14, 2017. This condition brought Setnov to justice. At its peak, Setnov was found guilty of intervening in the budgeting process and procuring goods and services in the e-KTP project on April 24, 2018.

The Jakarta Corruption Court then sentenced him to 15 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to 3 months in prison. The panel of judges said that Setya Novanto had been proven to have used his position and position as a member of the DPR and chairman of the Golkar faction.

The verdict then shocked the whole of the archipelago. It is also evidence that the KPK is working hard against corruptors.

"Declaring that the defendant Setya Novanto has been legally and convincingly proven guilty jointly of committing a criminal act of corruption. Sentencing the defendant Setya Novanto in the form of imprisonment for 15 years and a fine of Rp. 500 million, provided that if the fine is not paid, it will be replaced with imprisonment for 3 months," said the chairman of the panel of judges. Yanto read out his verdict in court at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Jalan Bungur Besar Raya, Central Jakarta as quoted on Detik.com page, April 24, 2018.

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