JAKARTA - Today's memory, four years ago, April 15, 2020, the South Korean government (South Korea) held a legislative election in the midst of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The democratic party dared to be held because South Korea was one of the best countries to deal with the virus from Wuhan.

Previously, South Korea was both confused like other countries against COVID-19. The reason is because international doors are not closed immediately. The South Korean government moved quickly. All national medical companies were gathered to deal with COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic was once the estuary of world fear. South Korea, especially South Korea. The presence of COVID-19 makes it so difficult for the whole of South Korea. Panic everywhere. Even the transmission rate goes quickly. This condition made South Korea a little stutter in breaking the chain of COVID-19.

The South Korean government took a stand. They do not want COVID-19 to cause South Korea to be hit by difficulties. The power of attorney has started inviting all medical companies to discuss the coronavirus. The discussion made South Korea immediately finalize three precise steps.

First, prevention. Second, spread. Third, control the COVID-19 outbreak. All these steps clearly require the participation of all South Korean people. The results are brilliant. Super fast checks related to the coronavirus are carried out.

Those who are detected will soon enter health quarantine. The Ministry of Health then immediately traced who had contact with positive COVID-19 patients. Health check places were also distributed throughout the country.

Each place can test up to thousands of people per day. That number had received praise from the world. Moreover, South Korea has begun to formulate preventive measures so that COVID-19 does not spread to many people.

They started checking extra everyone who came from China. This condition is reasonable. Because China is the estuary of the COVID-19 virus. The government also asks all existing companies to take part in giving leave to their employees who are infected with COVID-19. The rest, the agenda of keeping a distance and staying at home is always recommended by the government.

What needs to be noted is that the number of people exposed is quite large, but the number of people who died is low compared to other countries. This means that their laboratory has a fast detection capacity and the hospital can handle it immediately. Before being discharged, the patient is still being tested again, "Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to South Korea Siti Sofia Sudarma as quoted by Luki Aulia in his writings in the Kompas Daily newspaper entitled Move Fast and Discipline, the Key to the Success of South Korea (2020).

The quick response made South Korea purple several steps with other countries in dealing with COVID-19. In fact, South Korea is quite progressive. When other countries postpone political contestation in the form of elections, they actually continue to step on the gas.

The legislative elections in South Korea will continue according to schedule on April 15, 2020. The election will be attended by 35 parties. Each legislative candidate will compete for as many as 300 seats. Even though the fight can be ascertained as a place to show off for two strong parties, the Minjoo Party (Democratics) and the main opposition, the United Future Party.

At first people were a little afraid to come to the TPS. However, because of the crowds and deftility of the government, keeping South Koreans from transmitting the virus, everything was fine.

"Everyone understands the seriousness of the situation and shows the attitude of mature citizens by encouraging election officials, instead of complaining," said the head of the Yongsan district in Seoul, Sung Jang-Hyun, to the BBC, April 15, 2020.

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