JAKARTA - Today, eight years ago, March 1, 2016, Forbes Magazine again appointed Microsoft's software giant, Bill Gates topped the list of the richest people in the world. Forbes said the net worth of the gates reached 78.3 billion US dollars.

Previously, Gates' efforts to establish Microsoft brought big profits. His computer's software (operative system) product sold well on the market. This condition makes Bill Gates' coffers increase. He became the world's richest person.

No one denies Bill Gates' contribution to developing the world of technology. His startup, Microsoft, appears like a computer maker that can be accessed by everyone. It all started with Gates' hobby of exploring the world of computer programming.

This hobby stems from small Gates. This activity often takes the time to study the ins and outs of computer technology to enter college. This hard work did not betray the results. Even though he had to relax himself from Harvard University.

Bill Gates considers everything to be inspired by the emergence of Microsoft which has released innovative products from 1975. Its operating system products from MS-DOS to Microsoft Windows are popular with major computer manufacturers, IBM.

The operating system makes computers accessible to everyone. This collaboration brings abundant profits to Microsoft. This is because almost every computer in the operating system market comes from Microsoft.

This success makes Gates splashed with benefits. His coffers of income are getting fatter. In fact, his wealth increases every year. All because Gates has a large share of individual shares. This condition then made Gates' name known as an influential person in the field of technology.

Microsoft is growing rapidly. The operating system has become a favorite of everyone around the world. a condition that made Gates start to to peak the glory of the world's richest person since 1986. The notabene status made Bill known as a royal person in social activities.

Most of the power of Microsoft's success, Gates was able to raise enormous wealth as the largest individual shareholder. He became a billionaire in 1986, and within a decade, his net worth has reached tens of billions of dollars, making him the richest individual in the world, "is written on the Britannica page.

Bill Gates' work as the leader of the list of rich people in the world lasts a long time. Forbes Magazine even returned to post Gates to top the list of the world's richest people on March 1, 2016. Bill Gates got the title because he was recorded to have assets of 78.3 billion US dollars.

The total wealth forced the retailer of Spanish clothing and the founder of Zara brand stores Amancio Ortega to second place with a net worth of USD 67 billion. American investment figure Warren Buffet is in third place with a net worth of USD 60.8 billion.

'Bill Gates is the richest person in the world with a net worth of 78.3 billion US dollars. The journey is quite long, starting from dropping out to being a technology maestro. Gates is starting to be interested in computing at the age of 13.'

"Gates left Harvard in 1975 to establish Microsoft with Paul Allen. He is famous for creating software in thetujuana garage, New Mexico," said Katie Sola in her writing on the Forbes page entitledBill Gates In Photos: The Rise Of The World's Richest Man (2016).

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