JAKARTA - Fidel Castro's leadership brings fresh air to the whole of Cuba. The left revolutionist was able to increase the lives of his people. Public health affairs, especially. He made massive investments in improving free health services.

A policy that makes Cuba a doctor surplus. The lecture that makes white suit troops from Cuba look like medical diplomacy tools. A series of health workers were deployed throughout the world massively. In fact, Cuba is actively sending doctors for humanitarian missions.

The true revolution was able to bring major changes to a nation and a country. The narrative was exemplified by Castro, who is fully supported by Che Guevavara. The revolutionary was able to overthrow the regime of dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959.

A figure who represents the interests of the United States (US) in Cuba. The victory of all revolutionary fighters was greeted with great fanfare. The people also hope that Castro's leadership as Cuba's number one person can bring many changes.

Grateful to be able to improve the lives of the Cuban people. Castro with his communism teachings began to draft breakthroughs. He wants all Cuban people to be able to access education and health for free.

The two things Castro predicted as Cuba's main teachings became a great nation. Health problems also get a large portion. This concern is because health matters are often taken lightly by the previous regime.

The reduced health budget is exacerbated by the lack of health facilities here and there being a cause. Castro doesn't want that to continue. He wants the Cuban people to be educated through education, and to build their body through quality health services.

Massive investment was also carried out in the health sector. The results are brilliant even though Castro no longer leads. Cuba is a doctor surplus. Instead of the health workers being only enough for Cuba, there are more doctors who continue to grow. They are until they are 'exported' to other countries that need it more.

The study has been going on until now. In fact, it is considered by the Cuban government as a form of medical diplomacy. The doctors also continue to be sent by Cuba for humanitarian missions to countries in need.

The diplomatic benefits of sending doctors to developing countries are very helpful for Cuba in building international relations and increasing the coffers of state revenue. For small countries in Africa or the Caribbean, which are not necessarily able to pay for doctors, this makes them side with Cuba. They will be softer on Cuba, when Cuba is under international pressure from Europe and the United States."

The delivery of doctors abroad for humanitarian purposes is also the focus of Cuba. Cuban medical officers received praise in international media for their efficacy and commitment after the 2010 Haitian earthquake and during the 2014 West African Ebola crisis. This helped give a good impression on the communist regime, "explained Cuban analyst Mark Keller as quoted by Ciara Nugent in his article on the TIME website entitled How Doctors Became Cuba's Largest Export (2018).

The extension of the medical diplomacy mission became increasingly prominent when the COVID-19 epidemic broke out in early 2020. The case of an acute respiratory virus in Wuhan has become a frightening scourge in various countries of the world. Everything because of COVID-19 can spread quickly.

One by one the world's countries are starting to feel nestapa hit by COVID-19. The economy fell, even health facilities were unable to accommodate them. Lack of health workers, especially doctors echoing everywhere.

The Cuban government takes a stand. The COVID-19 pandemic is considered to have to be faced together. The power of attorney also made a breakthrough. They sent many doctors all over the world for humanitarian missions, to the African continent to Europe.

It is a mission to break the chain of spread of COVID-19. The white coats (the Cuban doctor's nickname) are quite capable. They are used to dealing with infectious diseases. The doctors' assistance was greeted with great fanfare and brought praise to Cuba.

The presence of white coat troops is quite effective. Cuba also became a different picture that communist ideology is not only working for power but also for humanity. Thejian proved successful because until now, nearly 67 countries have also used the services of Cuban doctors.

When scientific and medical circles are fumbled in the darkness related to COVID-19, Cuba's treatment, which based on past experience, can provide the right answer, praise given by the head of cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Togo, Charles Azilan as quoted on the NBC News page, September 15, 2020.

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