JAKARTA - Magelang City, Central Java through a nutritious food service unit conducted a trial of a nutritious eating program for toddlers, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
Head of the Magelang City Nutrition Fulfillment Service Unit, Rauuf Oktafian, in Magelang, Thursday, December 26, said that at the beginning of the trial preparations with the target of school students, but because schools were on holiday they were transferred to pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and toddlers.
"We have received directions from the Health Office and the local health center to choose a village that really needs it more economically and we chose Magersari Village with a total of 328 recipients, namely 14 pregnant women, 93 breastfeeding mothers, and 201 toddlers," he said as quoted by Antara.
He conveyed that the menu had been prepared and this was a nutritious eating program, not a full meal. Therefore, the nutrition is calculated by a team of nutritionists who coordinate directly with the Health Office team and nutritionists from the local Puskesmas.
"We have prepared starting at 04.00 WIB and finished the cooking process around 07.00 WIB and now the packing process and immediately distributed to the location," he said.
He said that for next year's process, the full production could be around 3,000 servings, including kindergarten/PAUD, elementary, junior high, high school/vocational schools, even breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women and toddlers.
"The maximum number is only 3,000, that's a directive from the center, if our capacity is a maximum of 3,500-4,000, but the risk is higher, so we press it to a maximum of 3,000 and maybe only about 5 minutes of the trip," he said.
He said that next year plans in schools will be more coordinated than pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and toddlers, because if Posyandu is spread, there are 13 points in Magersari, but if the school is only seven points, so it is faster.
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