JAKARTA Memories of today, 22 years ago, January 16, 2002, the Human Rights Watch (HRW) claimed that the United States (US) under President George Walker Bush's administration was the most human rights violators in the world. The narrative was revealed by HRW in its report containing records of human rights violations that occurred throughout 2001.

Previously, the September 11, 2001 (9/11) incident brought deep sorrow to all US people. The US government also hastily concluded that the masterminds of acts of terrorism stemmed from Muslims.

Memories related to the 9/11 Incident often haunt the entire US. Two terrorists hijacked and then hit into the twin towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York, USA. The results bring deep sorrow.

The buildings that experienced economic, political and military forces were destroyed. The city of New York, which is usually inhabited by the bustle of busyness, suddenly fell silent. In the city, then the world showed deep sorrow.

All because many people were victims of the incident, those who were inside and outside the building. The total number of those who died was 2,977 people, 19 of whom were hijackers.

Conditions got worse when Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist network Al-Qaeda claimed to be the people behind the heinous act. President Bush was furious that he was playing. He moved all US power and efforts to break the chain of terrorism.

The narrative was echoed by Bush by inviting the cooperation of world countries against terrorism. Bush said the state must not lose to terrorists. The defects actually have a long tail. The US government likes to spread Islamophobia throughout the US.

The US government is like suspicious of Muslims being the culprit of terrorism by understanding their jihad. Whoever the Muslims are as if they are obliged to be suspected, detained, and interrogated by the US government. This action was taken in order to find out the perpetrators involved in the 9/11 Incident.

The 'bomb attack on the WTC in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC, has been calculated and designed carefully to attract the attention of billions of people around the world. The tragedy has succeeded in undermining the notion that terrorists are unlikely to penetrate the US domestic defense system.

In addition, the independent US immigration regulation before the WTC tragedy actually brought down the image of the US government in providing a sense of security needed by its citizens. Whereas prior to the tragedy, terrorist experts and intelligence observers had long warned of a devastating terrorist attack in the US country, but the warning did not get serious attention from the government, "said Sukawarsini Djelantik in the book Terrorism (2008).

The number arrested by the Bush administration to reveal the perpetrators of the 9/11 Incident reached 1000s of people. This condition has received criticism in the world. The International Human Rights Organization, HRW in its report said that the US under Bush's administration was the most human rights violators in the world on January 16, 2002.

Perhaps the US really wants to reveal the perpetrators of terrorism. However, HRW appealed to the US not to ignore human rights. Mainly, the matter of revoking the confidentiality of communication between lawyers.

This condition is not only seen by HRW in matters of the 9/11 Incident. The other incident is the same. Moreover, the matter of racial inequality and brutality of law enforcers against them are colored. A series of things further strengthen the US as its 'king' of human rights violators in the world.

On January 16, 2002, New York's HRW launched a 2001 human rights violation report. In a report titled HRW Report 2002, the organization concluded that the US and Bush administration were the most human rights violators in the world.

"This agency also strongly condemns the actions of Bush and US Attorney General, John Ashcroft, in the case of arresting more than 1,100 Muslims or Arabs detained in an investigative attempt to find the perpetrators of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the WTC," Adian Husaini said in the book Wajah Civilization Barat (2005).

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