JAKARTA History today, 112 years ago, December 29, 1911, the figure of the Sun Yat Sen movement was chosen as the first President of the Republic of China (now: the People's Republic of China). Sun's struggle services are behind it.

Previously, Sun was known as a figure of a strong movement against the monarchy. Sun views that the power of the Qing Dynasty (Manchu) has been around for too long. The leadership of the Qing Dynasty was felt by many disadvantages, rather than benefits.

The sensitivity to the surrounding environment could be a powerful weapon of resistance. It was this capital that was later owned by the figure of the Sun Yat Sen movement. He often views the Chinese monarchy system as not in accordance with the times. All because the Chinese people have difficulty achieving justice and prosperity.

The narrative is wrapped with the existence of the Qing Dynasty which is famous for being corrupt. Sun couldn't stay silent either. he took full advantage of the access to education he got. In fact, his family was able to send Sun to Hawaii to study. His mindset became open.

The flag of the Republic of China is post-revolution. (Wikimedia Commons)

Sun then continued his education at the Hong Kong Collage of Medicine for Chinese. He was able to accompany the doctor's education. Instead of just focusing on working as a doctor, Sun chose to actively gather with educated people.

The gathering event gave birth to a forum for movement in 1894. Organization for Chinese reform, Xingzhonghui (Revival China Society), his name. The presence of the organization became a space for Sun and young people to discuss against the monarchy. Although many of the plans ended in failure.

The struggle made Sun labeled as a rebel by the Qing Dynasty. However, unexpectedly a major event occurred when Sun was abroad seeking revolution. The Chinese revolution erupted on October 10, 1911. The revolutionarys who brought Sun's spirit began to move against the monarchy in control of cities in China.

The unique republic was initiated by Sun Yat Sen or Sun Wu (1866-1925), a doctor who turned to politics. From deep concern, seeing corruption rampant, the country slumped, and the people oppressed. In 1894, Sun Wu wrote a petition to the Young King Qing, Li Hongzhang, and explained his ideas about restoring the country's glory, eradicating corruption, and prospering the people, but his thoughts were rejected.

Disappointed because he felt underestimated, in the same year Sun founded the Chinese Revolution Alliance, which continues to evolve into Tong Mei Hui (Chinese Alliance Society) in Japan. The main goal is to establish a republican government, "explained Jusra Chandra in the book China: Classical Heritage and Dynamical Power that Vibrates the World (2020).

The news of the success of the Chinese Revolution reached Sun's ears. He began to be impatient to return home soon. However, Sun did not want to be reckless. He continues to struggle to gain support from European countries for the establishment of the Republic of China.

The results are brilliant. Sun received support. Sun then returned home and arrived at the port of Shanghai on December 25, 1911. He also started holding many meetings. Mainly, the meeting in Nanking which was attended by delegates from various provinces in China on December 29, 1911. A room filled then witnessed the election of a Sun as the first Chinese President.

The return of Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary figure who will soon be sworn in as the first president, was greeted with great fanfare. Local and foreign journalists are all very enthusiastic about the landing of the ship carrying Sun Yat-sen from Europe at Shanghai Port on December 25, 1911.

Four days after Sun's arrival in Shanghai, delegates from various provinces gathered in Nanking and held a vote to determine who would become president. All provinces get one voting right each in this vote. The final result is, of the 17 provinces present, 16 provinces agreed to elect Sun Yat-sen to become interim president," explained Michael Wicaksono in the book Republic of China (2015).

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