JAKARTA - Today's memory, 12 years ago, December 15, 2011, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and the Democratic Party guaranteed that his wife, Kristiani Herrawati (Ani Yudhoyono) would not run in the 2014 presidential election. The decision was perpetuated to quell dynastic political issues.

Previously, Ani was known as the first lady who was active in social activities. Andilnya as the leader of Solidarity for the Wife of the United Indonesia Cabinet (SIKIB) is proof. SIKIB is like a forum to contribute to the nation and state.

Living as the First Lady is not only a matter of accompanying her husband in state events. The First Lady can actually perpetuate other activities that have the principle of benefit. Ani also chose that. He tries to contribute to the nation and state in his own way.

The wife of President SBY then formed an epidemic to be creative and also contributed. SIKIB, his name. The container was filled by him and a series of wives from the ranks of the Ministers of the United Indonesia Cabinet.

The activities carried are not just a matter of having fun. SIKIB was here to make a positive contribution to advancing the role of Indonesian women. All of them are in the corridor of gender equality.

Various initiatives are also perpetuated. Take for example in the field of education. Ideas such as smart car activities, smart motorbikes to smart houses are presented. Even in the field of the SIKIB environment, you don't want to lose.

They initiated green Indonesia activities. This series of activities made the Indonesian government interested in awarding the Bintang Republik Indonesia Adipradana in August 2011.

An award he gave for Ani's contribution who faithfully accompanied her husband and contributed to the nation and state. Mainly, advancing women.

Our vision is compact and stable: to inspire the spirit and power of the community to improve their lives in the realm of education, health, creativity, love for the environment and concern for others. The state already has development programs in these areas through various ministries.

"But we SIKIB, will also color efforts to empower the community with a touch of women and in independent programs. We are not included in the corridor that has become the government's agenda, but provide concrete support and contribution to uploading the people's independent spirit," explained Ani Yudhoyono as quoted by Albertheine Endah in the book Ani Yudhoyono: 10 Years of Heart Travel (2018).

The presence of the award then shocked the whole of Indonesia. Many do not agree with the awarding of Ani. The public assesses that Ani's achievements are insignificant and many other women are more worthy of awards.

The news broke out. Ani was like prepared by SBY and the Democratic Party to be the successor to power as the number one person in Indonesia. Every day the narrative became more and more encouraging. President SBY is accused of wanting to perpetuate the political dynasty.

President SBY also appeared to the public to face the accusations many times. He tried to reassess his attitude as a state leader in the One Democratic Party Dasawarsa Sarasehan event at the Hall C Arena Pekan Raya Jakarta on December 15, 2011.

SBY firmly gave an answer that his wife 100 percent did not have a plan to run in the 2014 presidential election contestation. The Democrat Party will not carry Ani. The decision was taken to reduce the narrative of political dynasties.

"If anyone continues to ask whether Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono will advance or whether the Democratic Party will carry Mrs. Ani, then the answer is that 100 percent have no intention and plans. Either Mrs. Ani or myself have repeatedly conveyed it to the people."

"There are also those who ask, will SBY be the outgoing leader or president who will immediately end his term of office, will support one of the presidential candidates? That will be the first. I was also asked, should the 2014 presidential candidate be a new face? In my opinion, one of the values and spirit of democracy is the equality of opportunity or equality of opportunity," said SBY as quoted on the Kompas website, December 15, 2011.

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