JAKARTA History today, 112 years ago, December 12, 1911, King of England, George V announced the move of the Indian capital from Kolkata to New Delhi. The move was perpetuated due to high social turmoil if Kolkata was still the center of government.

Previously, the British colonialists had changed Kolkata, which in fact became a crowd of fishermen's villages. Kolkata was used as a center of government. A series of large developments were present in Kolkata. From rows of luxury homes to colonial colonial offices.

England's existence in India cannot be separated from the influence of Britain's trading partnership, East India Company (EIC). The trading conspiracy initially set foot in India under Job Charnock in 1690. Charnock's arrival became the founder of British colonialism in India.

The arrival made Charnock look at an area inhabited by fishermen. The British Trade Condition began to establish a trading city there. Kolkata, his name. Construction of the city received the blessing of the local authorities.

They want to get a share of the spice trade that is perpetuated by England. EIC also invested massive funds to build Kolkata. They started building many things. From the center of government to religion.

All of this was perpetuated so that India became a profitable center of British power. India was made like a colony. This condition made British people come to India. They come and make India like the second house.

Kolkata is growing. Kolkata became a pioneer in everything, from economic matters to health. In all, India also has a dream to come and change life in Kolkata. However, building Kolkata is not an easy matter.

Wars and disease outbreaks are the main obstacle to existence. The British colonizers did not remain silent. They continue to build and improve their lives in Kolkata.

Gradually, when British rule overflowed, all of northern India was centered at Kolkata port. The elimination of domestic import duties in 1835 created an open market in Kolkata, and the construction of railway lines (started in 1854) accelerated the development of business and industry.

That's when the Grad Trunk Road (main road) from Kolkata to Peshawar (now in Pakistan) was completed. Trade interests, banking and UK insurance are growing rapidly. The Kolkata sector in India is also a busy trading center filled with people from all over India and many other Asian regions. Kolkata became an intellectual center on the continent, "is written on the Britannica page.

Kolkata's extinction lasted a long time. Various leadership still makes Kolkata the center of colonial rule. Everything changed when it entered the 1910s. British colonialists began to realize that Kolkata was deemed to have many shortcomings as a power center.

Britain's power is predicted to end when it continues to make Kolkata the capital city. Many of the local natives began to fight colonialism. The option to move the center of government was perpetuated.

Kolkata's power began to be replaced by New Delhi to become the capital city of India by British Ruler George V on December 12, 1911. The King of England, who first set foot in India, wants New Delhi's presence as a beacon of British power on Indian soil. The move made development even more massive in New Delhi.

New Delhi literally started as an imperial decree. In December 1911, King George V traveled to Delhi to be crowned as India's emperor at a durbar, or a complicated encounter. He was the first King of England to set foot on Indian soil. After several days of ceremonies in the interim city consisting of about 40,000 tents and equipped with his own rail system.

King George V offered two awards to his people: First, he lifted the division of Bengal, an action that has sparked violence against anti-England aggitations. Second, he announced the formation of a new city around Delhi to replace Kolkata as the capital of the empire. George hopes the city will become a combination of India and Europe architectures, "Danyar Patel explained in his article on The New York Times website entitled New Delhi's Controversial Birth (2011).

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