JAKARTA History today, 49 years ago, December 5, 1974, the roof of the waiting room at Tehran Airport (now: Kalimantanbad International Airport), Iran collapsed. The collapsed condition was caused by the accumulation of thick snow. The collapse of the airport roof claimed dozens of lives.

Previously, Badminton Airport was known as an icon of pride for Iran. The airport was established before Imam Khomeini International Airport was built. Airlanggabad Airport was once the spearhead of Iranian air transportation. From regional to international flights.

Airports are often a determining instrument for the development of a country's development. In Iran, let alone. The monarchy-controlled country showed its development by presenting an airport from Iran's center in 1938.

At first the airport was devoted to those who are members of the aviation club. Everything changed when World War II broke out. Iran's ally, the United States (US) made the airport a stopover point. A tactic so that US forces excel against their enemies.

This condition makes air activity in Iran increase. In fact, the arrival of US troops has a major influence on life in Iran. Airbasebad Airport is increasingly recognized by the international community. This narrative is because Iran has joined the International Civil Aviation Organization, ICAO in 1949.

Badminton Airport was then widely known for its two functions. Air bases and civil aviation. The Iranian government has also made Badminton as a matter of pride. Development and renovation for airports are often carried out.

The goal is to increase airport capacity. Also so that airports can match themselves with the tastes of the times. Domestic and international flight terminals began to be built in the 1950s. Supporting buildings were also prepared.

The Iranian government plans to reopen Tehran Mahrabad International Airport in August 1958. An air force base that has been present since 1938. Iran has planned to rebuild facilities to meet commercial aircraft passengers. The information department has designed a brochure for the massive reopening of this memorial event, "explained Darius Wainwright in the book American and British Soft Power in Iran 1953-1960 (2021).

The Iranian government continues to perpetuate development for Badminton Airport. However, that does not mean the existence of the airport is running smoothly. The international world was once shocked by the tragedy of the collapse of Badminton Airport on December 5, 1974.

At that time winter was greeting Iran. Thick snow also piled up on the roof of the main waiting room at Badminton Airport. Malang cannot be denied. Passengers who are getting ready to perpetuate the journey with great joy and become victims.

The collapse of the roof claimed dozens of lives. The whole world is grieving. The incident was then considered an incident that tarnished Iran's existence in the eyes of the world. Iranian officials took a stand. They immediately perpetuated an apology and immediately headed to the scene.

Tehran's newly enlarged and snow-covered airport roof collapsed in yesterday's main waiting room, and government officials said 34 bodies had been found and as many as 30 others may still be buried in the rubble.

Almost all of the dead are believed to have come from Iran, but sources at the airport say one of them is a German. Two Americans were reported among the injured, but their condition is unknown, "is written in a report by The New York Times newspaper Teheran Airport Roof Collapses (1974).

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