JAKARTA - The democratic party (Pemilu) is often celebrated with joy. The 1955 election, for example. Indonesia's first election was predicted to be the most democratic election. The narrative is because the party's direction is diverse participants. From religious, nationalists and communists. Lack of friction too.

If there is friction, the problem will only occur in oration events. Take for example when the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) teased the party with religious tendencies, Masyumi. The PKI said that the Banteng Field would be turned Masyumi into a Camel Field.

The image of the 1955 Election as the most democratic election is not a mere empty message. The celebration is considered a form of plenary form of the people's party that has existed in Indonesia. All kinds of parties with different views and ideologies can participate without interruption.

This condition proves that parties with religious, nationalist and communist ideology can be accepted by the wider audience. Even competing with ideas in public. The Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI) created by Sutan Sjahrir can perpetuate the narrative of the socialist people.

The Masyumi Party with a narrative raises democracy, Islam and upholds pluralism. Then, the Indonesian National Party (PNI) appointed Marhaenism. Everything can perpetuate the idea without significant disturbances.

The people were also released to visit a campaign party and choose a party according to their conscience. The people also welcomed the 1955 General Election with great fanfare. The voting process took place in 16 electoral districts throughout the country.

The collection covers a total of 42 million voters who were presented from 208 districts, 3,141 sub-districts, and 42,092 villages. The Indonesian government also issued large funds. The assessment is to fund the elections that elect members of the DPR (September 29, 1955) and members of the Constitute Council - now the MPR (December 15, 1955).

Its implementation took place with joy. Even though the Indonesian government was initially afraid of chaos. Moreover, with the political direction of various parties. Have a diverse mass base as well.

Since the establishment of this Republic until the end of the New Order, Indonesia has experienced seven General Elections (Pemilu). However, only the 1955 elections were recognized by the international community as democratic.

The first election was to elect the House of Representatives (DPR) and the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), and was attended by more than 30 political parties. More than a hundred groups and individual candidates also register. The number of registered voters is also very large," explained Adnan Buyung Nasution in the book Democratic Constitution: Mind & Ideas (2010).

It may be that the 1955 General Election will run without friction. However, that does not mean that competition to seize power is minimal. Competition to win the hearts of all Indonesian people is perpetuated by all parties seriously. All parties are competing to become mass parties, compared to cadres.

This condition made a debate about the idea of appearing to the surface. The ideas that lead to the welfare of all Indonesian people are echoed. Not a few satires in the political oration of the 'commissional campaign engine' of the party are scattered.

Take for example the style of the PKI which dares to insinuate a religious party, Masyumi. The Masyumi Party is considered by the PKI to present a feel of Middle East if they win in the archipelago. PKI officials, DN Aidit, threw a play at Masyumi in September 1955 at Lapangan Banteng.

Aidit initially tried to tell me that the Banteng Field in Jakarta in the Dutch era was called the Lion Square. All of this was because there was a Lion Monument right in the middle of the field. The field name was later changed by the Indonesian government when it was independent.

The field became widely known as Banteng Square. The Bull in question refers to the spirit of not knowing the surrender of Indonesians. Aidit also warned his supporters not to give Masyumi the victory space.

Aidit is afraid that Masyumi will change the name of the famous Banteng Square to the Camel Field. Aidit's satire regarding the Camel Field was immortalized by many mass media. Masyumi also replied to the play. Those who then had the opportunity to campaign in the Banteng field also threw satire.

Masyumi warned the Indonesian people not to vote for the PKI. Masyumi is afraid that the PKI will change the name of Banteng Square to Kremlin Square. However, throwing each other the ledekan is considered a natural level. The reform did not provoke a big conflict. In fact, it may be a form of reform as evidence of the realization of cheerful politics.

Lapangan Banteng, one damp afternoon in September 1955. The PKI campaigner has been 'burning' his followers in the Central Jakarta square. It's time to attack the opposing party. If Masyumi wins, this Banteng Field will be turned into a Camel Field.

Another afternoon, in the same square, the Masyumi Party which is Islamic in response to PKI ridicule. If the PKI wins, the Banteng Square will be changed to Red Square, Kremlin, in Moscow. Masyumi also teased the Nahdlatul Ulama Party (NU). They teased the name of the party into the Nasi Uduk Party," explained Alwi Shahab as quoted by the Tempo Magazine report entitled Uduk Nasi at the Kremlin Field (2007).

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