JAKARTA History today, 52 years ago, October 8, 1971, the whole UK welcomed the song Imagine by John Lennon. The presence of the song was greeted with great fanfare. The lyrics and music are like peacekeepers. Like an implied message of imagining living in a world without a barrier without hostility.

Previously, John and his band, The Beatles, did not exist. However, John, who lived and grew up in the middle of the working class, continued to be noisy against various detrimental political policies. Many were annoyed at his criticism.

The label of musician Genius deserves to be directed at John Lennon. His career as a musician was praised throughout the world from the 1960s. His touch in his work was able to make The Beatles loved by various groups. From old to young.

The narrative, which depicts John's life as straight. Alias, refuses to live in danger. In fact, John's guts are high. He was considered a symbol of the resistance of young people. Lennon chose to stand up to defend world peace.

He will fight anyone who fights war and violence. Every day he criticizes state officials or leaders who he considers disturbing world peace. Mainly, the leader of the superpower country of the United States (US) because of the love of war.

Criticism made John hated by officials. John also considered it lonely to ridicule his steps. This narrative is evidenced by his involvement in several anti-violence protests. John's actions translate the steps of the previous world figures such as Mahatma Gandhi.

The resistance was also complemented by the presence of John's struggle through songs containing message of struggle. Along with that John seemed to be friends with controversy. He even considered the popularity of his band to be second to none. The figure of the savior, Jesus also lost. That opinion became the origin of blasphemy and criticism approached him.

The former member of The Beatles is the most vocal -- and perhaps the most talented -- this, for a while, has indeed been flawed. His work has always been news. He once gave a statement: Beatles are more popular than Jesus. Posing naked in bed with Yoko in front of reporters.

In a history book he is also accused of being the originator of narcotics, murder, and a homosexual. Until now people are still arguing between accusing and defending, between hating and selling him. But instead, both sides are pointed secretly giving birth to John many times again. He became a'santo' (citizen), becoming a myth in the rock music environment. Like the Kencana Temple, he became more and more upright in the hearts of his devotees, "explained Zaim Uchrowi in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled John Lennon Comes back to life (1988).

The Beatles who became a forum for John's work disbanded in 1970. However, the disbandment of The Beatles did not make John's spirit of work decrease. John continued to perpetuate his spirit as an antiwar activist by making songs.

The phase made John spend a lot of time at Titenhurst Park. A house that John bought in 1969. Inside the house is a recording studio called the stereo 8 (eight-track tape). Then, in the studio a phenomenal song was born which is also the name of his solo album, Imagine.

The song that tells the story of John's service lives in a world without hostility. Results brilliantly. Imagine exploded immediately since it was officially released in England on October 8, 1971. In English, the world then welcomed the song with great fanfare while imagining a peaceful life. Imagine was transformed into a mandatory song in a series of antiwar actions in the world.

I also like the song John Lennon, Imagine. For me, the peak of this song is in the lyrics: Imagine all the people living life in peace. Until the notation in the ear is good. Song accompanied by piano that is not complicated. The arrangement is not complicated, only uses piano, drums, and bass. However, the composition is right for the needs of the song, "said an important figure in the Indonesian music industry, Jan Djulana as written by Frans Sartono in the book Di Balik Bintang(2022).

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