JAKARTA History today, last year, September 15, 1913, the first Doctors' College, Nederlandsch-Indische Artsen School (NIAS) in Surabaya officially operates. NIAS' presence was perpetuated to tackle the shortage of health workers in the Dutch East Indies.
Previously, the colonial government of the Dutch East Indies only had a high school of bumiputra doctors in Batavia. STOVIA, his name. STOVIA was originally built because of the limitations of European doctors. Therefore, the bumiputras were schooled to become additional health workers against the outbreak.
Perhaps the Dutch colonialists often won the war to seize territory. However, the war against the plague was the opposite. The colonial government of the Dutch East Indies often went against the epidemic. From malaria to smallpox.
Many policies are perpetuated sometimes not according to needs. Outbreaks spread and claimed many lives. In handling smallpox, for example. The work of European doctors was questioned.
They only want to work among Europeans. Going down to eradicate smallpox outbreaks among the natives in their villages refused. That fact made the colonial government rack their brains.
They wanted to add health workers by establishing a Javanese Doctor School, then turning into STOVIA in 1902. The high school was initially limited to natives on the island of Java. Later, STOVIA received students from all over the archipelago. Even other ethnic groups may register.
The results were brilliant. STOVIA graduates take part mostly as smallpox mantri and health workers in the Dutch East Indies. The Dutch were also happy not to play. However, the joy was only for a short time. Later, STOVIA actually grew into a house of national movement.
Many freedom fighters emerged from the womb of STOVIA. The school is considered successful in revitalizing the critical power of students. Instead of just producing reliable health workers, education at STOVIA actually helped raise a sense of nationalism and awareness of independence.
Towards the end of the 19th century, the Javanese Doctor School was transformed into STOVIA. Who saw pictures of Javanese Doctors School and STOVIA in their early years will be attracted by students' clothing. They are traditional Javanese dress, clothes, fabrics, blangkons, and naked feet, "said Rosihan Anwar in the book 'Petite Histoire' Indonesia Volume 3(2009).
STOVIA's existence is second to none. The educational institution continues to accept new students from various regions of the archipelago. However, problems arise. STOVIA's number of health workers who can be passed is still relatively limited.
The colonial government of the Dutch East Indies took a stand. They then founded the Bumiputra High School in other regions. NIAS' presence was greeted with a commotion. Even then NIAS, who became the forerunner of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (Unair), officially operated on September 15, 1913.
STOVIA mulai membuka pintu bagi semua bangsa. Sedang gelar bagi para penguluhannya menjadi Indisch Arts. Dalam tahun itu juga ditembangkan sekolah kredit semacam itu di Surabaya, bernama NIAS yang terletak di Jalan Kedongdoro No. 38.
Sebagai direkturnya yang pertama adalah Dr. A E. Sitsen. Sekolah tinda mengalami perubahan yang disesuaikan dengan keadaan dan tuntutan era. Pada tahun 1927, STOVIA menjadiGeneseskundige Hoogeschool(menjadi). Bagi mereka yang berhasil menyelesaikan studynya disebutArts dengan ijasah yang sebagaikan dengan diploma dokter d negeri Belanda, terang Sri Indah Islaminya dalam buku Prof.Dr. M. Soetopo: Hasil Karya dan Pengingatannya(1883).
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