JAKARTA - Domestic violence, also known as the acronym for domestic violence, is triggered by various factors. Reported by VOI on September 27, during the last 5 years based on data reports from Komnas Perempuan there were 36,356 cases of domestic violence.

More specifically, 2,300 domestic violence cases were reported in 2020 and 1,419 cases in 2019. This means that cases increased by 68 percent during the pandemic. In the first semester of 2021, there were 2,500 cases of domestic violence reported to Komnas Perempuan.

The number of cases, needs to be responded to in anticipation and spread knowledge for preventive measures. According to psychologist and lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, Dewi Mahastuti, S.Psi, M.Sc., M.Psi., there are 2 categories behind domestic violence, the following is a list.

Internal factors

This factor comes from within the perpetrators of violence to survivors. Both are influenced by character, emotional level, and past experiences. According to Dewi, internal factors that influence a person to commit violence against their partner include:

1. Past experience

Witnessing violence, perpetrated by parents, for example, can influence a person's attitude. A bad past experience or experiencing violence in the past can also be a trigger for someone to commit violence against their partner.

2. Excessive suspicion

Excessive suspicion can trigger someone to overthink, especially about their partner's behavior. In fact, even if the couple doesn't keep any secrets, suspicion can make lunch notes bring stories to life.

faktor yang menyebabkan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga
Illustration of factors that cause domestic violence (Pexels/Alex Green)
3. Excessive anxiety

"A person who feels excessively anxious will grow worried about the loss or other behaviors carried out by the partner so that the individual is possessive of the partner," explained Dewi to VOI.

4. Temperament

Temperament affects actions, feelings, and thoughts, according to the KBBI. Meanwhile, according to psychology, temperament is a trait that affects a person in responding to something. Someone who has a high temper, according to Dewi, will be easily provoked by emotions and angered.

5. Poor emotional control

Overflowing emotions are triggered by poor emotional control. That is, because emotions are not controlled either cause someone to do violence both physically and verbally.

Besides the five internal factors, here are 5 external factors that influence a person to commit violence even to those closest to him.

External factors 6. Infidelity

A husband and wife who have an affair can be caused by no compatibility anymore or to cover up their actions. Infidelity can also be one of the factors that encourage someone to do violence, both verbally and physically to their partner.

7. Economic problems

Economic factors can trigger many problems in domestic life.

"Daily needs or unfulfilled desires, as well as material sufficiency felt in the household will trigger a lot of couples to blame each other and fight," continued Dewi, calming the trigger factors for domestic violence.

8. Patriarchal culture

The perspective that places the husband as the number one person in the household will not have a positive effect on domestic relations. Because, said Dewi, this can trigger domestic violence if it is not accompanied by awareness of each individual.

9. Third party interference

Interrupted communication can be due to third party interference. This third person can be from the family or from outside the family environment.

10. Drugs, gambling, and alcohol

Closing her explanation, Dewi explained that a person can get out of control because of the influence of drugs and alcohol. It can also trigger a person to lose consciousness and commit violence. Likewise with gambling which always makes people want to win the 'game'.

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