Learning From Tukul Arwana's Incident, Here's How To Avoid Bleeding In The Brain
Illustration (MART Production/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Tukul Arwana is reported to have suffered bleeding in the brain. The senior comedian is still undergoing intensive treatment at the National Brain Center Hospital, East Jakarta. To VOI some time ago, Dr. Anita Larasati Priyono reveals how to avoid bleeding in the brain.

Actually, stroke is very difficult to detect because this disease attacks suddenly. A stroke usually strikes someone over the age of 55. When viewed epidemiologically, men are more affected by stroke than women. The cause of this disease can be due to genetics, it could also be due to an unfavorable lifestyle such as being lazy to do physical activity.

To prevent this, you must first make changes to your diet and lifestyle. As much as possible, increase physical activity. Eliminate smoking habits, drink alcohol, and keep blood pressure normal. Maintaining balanced body weight is also very important in order to avoid brain bleeding.

If you have hypertension, heart rhythm disorders, and blood vessel disease, you should be diligent in consulting and checking with your doctor. With regular treatment and control, you can avoid stroke.

According to Dr. Anita, if you are a liquor addict, you should try to reduce drinking at least one to two glasses per day.

"If he drinks alcohol, the male should not have more than two drinks, the female should not have more than one."

Then for injection drug addicts who do not use it properly, there can be blockages in the blood vessels, making it easier for strokes to occur.

So that you can be more alert, you must recognize the early symptoms of a stroke. According to Dr. Anita, a stroke can be recognized if a person experiences changes in the face, a slanted mouth, has difficulty speaking, is paralyzed in the legs and arms, speaks slurred, and has difficulty speaking.

So, if you want to avoid stroke, then make changes to your lifestyle for the better now before it's too late.

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